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Anglers’ Views on Using Signs to Communicate Fish Consumption Advisories
Fisheries ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10463
Kathleen M Gray 1 , Catherine E LePrevost 2 , W Gregory Cope 2

The purpose of this case study was to examine signs as a means of communicating fish consumption advisory information to English‐ and Spanish‐speaking anglers in North Carolina. This study involved a group of stakeholders, including representatives from local and state agencies, non‐governmental organizations, and academia, as well as 38 anglers in focus group discussions to learn about their knowledge and beliefs in the context of fishing in polluted waterways, including what they knew about fish consumption advisories and their perceptions of prototype signs. Across groups, participants identified two confusing elements of signs: the allowable number of servings of fish under advisory and distinct consumption recommendations for different subgroups. They recommended streamlined messaging and the use of visuals, lay terms, and locally relevant languages as ways to improve prototype signs. Additionally, participants identified the state wildlife agency as a common source of information about fish safety, more so than signs. These results suggest opportunities for improved communication of advisories, especially to the most at‐risk populations.



本案例研究的目的是检查标志作为向北卡罗来纳州讲英语和西班牙语的钓鱼者传达鱼类消费咨询信息的一种手段。这项研究涉及一组利益相关者,包括来自地方和国家机构、非政府组织和学术界的代表,以及 38 名钓鱼者参加焦点小组讨论,以了解他们在受污染水道中捕鱼的知识和信念,包括他们对鱼类消费建议的了解以及对原型标志的看法。在各组中,参与者发现了两个令人困惑的标志元素:咨询中允许的鱼份量和针对不同亚组的不同消费建议。他们建议简化消息传递并使用视觉效果、通俗术语和当地相关语言作为改进原型标志的方法。此外,参与者认为国家野生动物机构​​是有关鱼类安全的常见信息来源,而不是标志。这些结果表明有机会改善建议的沟通,特别是针对高危人群。