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Resistance of salt marsh substrates to near‐instantaneous hydrodynamic forcing
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.4912
Helen Brooks 1 , Iris Möller 2 , Simon Carr 3 , Clementine Chirol 4 , Elizabeth Christie 1 , Ben Evans 1 , Kate L. Spencer 4 , Tom Spencer 1 , Katherine Royse 5

Salt marshes deliver vital ecosystem services by providing habitats, storing pollutants and atmospheric carbon, and reducing flood and erosion risk in the coastal hinterland. Net losses in salt marsh areas, both modelled globally and measured regionally, are therefore of concern. Amongst other controls, the persistence of salt marshes in any one location depends on the ability of their substrates to resist hydrodynamic forcing at the marsh front, along creek margins and on the vegetated surface. Where relative sea level is rising, marsh elevation must keep pace with sea‐level rise and landward expansion may be required to compensate for areal loss at exposed margins. This paper reviews current understanding of marsh substrate resistance to the near‐instantaneous (seconds to hours) forcing induced by hydrodynamic processes. It outlines how variability in substrate properties may affect marsh substrate stability, explores current understanding of the interactions between substrate properties and erosion processes, and how the cumulative impact of these interactions may affect marsh stability over annual to decadal timescales.


