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Transparent speculation in geo-replicated transactional data stores
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2020.04.014
Zhongmiao Li , Paolo Romano , Peter Van Roy

This work presents Speculative Transaction Replication (STR), a protocol that exploits transparent speculation techniques to enhance performance of geo-distributed, partially replicated transactional data stores. In addition, we define a new consistency model, Speculative Snapshot Isolation (SPSI), a variant of Snapshot Isolation (SI), which shelters applications from the subtle anomalies that arise when using speculative transaction processing techniques.

STR provides a form of speculation that is fully transparent for programmers (it does not expose the effects of misspeculations to clients). Since the speculation techniques employed by STR satisfy SPSI, they can be leveraged by application programs in a transparent way, without requiring any source-code modification to applications designed to operate using SI. STR combines two key techniques: speculative reads, which allow transactions to observe pre-committed versions, which can reduce the ‘effective duration’ of pre-commit locks and enhance throughput; Precise Clocks, a novel timestamping mechanism that uses per-item timestamps with physical clocks, which together greatly enhance the probability of successful speculation.

We assess STR’s performance on up to nine geo-distributed Amazon EC2 data centers, using both synthetic benchmarks as well as realistic benchmarks (TPC-C and RUBiS). Our evaluation shows that STR achieves throughput gains up to 11× and latency reduction up to 10× (with respect to non-speculative systems that ensure SI) in workloads characterized by low inter-data center contention. Furthermore, thanks to a self-tuning mechanism that dynamically and transparently enables and disables speculation, STR offers robust performance even when faced with unfavorable workloads that suffer from high misspeculation rates.





我们使用综合基准以及实际基准(TPC-C和RUBiS)评估STR在多达9个地理分布的Amazon EC2数据中心上的性能。我们的评估表明,STR可实现高达11的吞吐量增长× 和延迟减少多达10×(关于确保SI的非推测性系统)在以低数据中心间争用为特征的工作负载中。此外,得益于自动调整机制,该机制可以动态,透明地启用和禁用推测,即使STR面临因错误推测率高而带来的不利工作负载时,STR也可以提供强大的性能。
