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Non-spatial context-driven search.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.3758/s13414-020-02063-6
Sunghyun Kim 1 , Melissa R Beck 1

Contexts that predict characteristics of search targets can guide attention by triggering attentional control settings for the characteristics. However, this context-driven search has most commonly been found in the spatial dimension. The present study explored the context-driven search when shape contexts predict the color of targets: non-spatial context-driven search. It has been demonstrated that context-driven search requires cognitive resources, and evidence of non-spatial context-driven search is found when there is an increase in cognitive resources for the shape/color associations. Thus, the scarcity of evidence for non-spatial context-driven search is potentially because the context-driven search requires more cognitive resources for shape/color associations than for spatial/spatial associations. In the current study, we violated a previously 100% consistent shape/color association with two mismatch trials to encourage allocation of cognitive resources to the shape/color association. Three experiments showed that the shape-predicted color cues captured attention more than the non-predicted color cues, indicating that shape contexts triggered attentional control settings for a color predicted by the contexts. Furthermore, the shape contexts guided attention to the predicted color only after the two mismatch trials, suggesting that expression of the non-spatial context-driven search may require cognitive resources more than the spatial context-driven search.



预测搜索目标特征的上下文可以通过触发特征的注意力控制设置来引导注意力。然而,这种上下文驱动的搜索最常见于空间维度。本研究探索了当形状上下文预测目标颜色时的上下文驱动搜索:非空间上下文驱动搜索。已经证明,上下文驱动搜索需要认知资源,并且当形状/颜色关联的认知资源增加时,会发现非空间上下文驱动搜索的证据。因此,非空间上下文驱动搜索的证据稀缺可能是因为上下文驱动搜索需要更多的认知资源来进行形状/颜色关联,而不是空间/空间关联。在目前的研究中,我们通过两次不匹配试验违反了先前 100% 一致的形状/颜色关联,以鼓励将认知资源分配给形状/颜色关联。三项实验表明,形状预测的颜色线索比非预测的颜色线索更能吸引注意力,这表明形状上下文触发了上下文预测颜色的注意控制设置。此外,形状上下文仅在两次不匹配试验后才将注意力引导到预测的颜色,这表明非空间上下文驱动搜索的表达可能比空间上下文驱动搜索需要更多的认知资源。三项实验表明,形状预测的颜色线索比非预测的颜色线索更能吸引注意力,这表明形状上下文触发了上下文预测颜色的注意控制设置。此外,形状上下文仅在两次不匹配试验后才将注意力引导到预测的颜色,这表明非空间上下文驱动搜索的表达可能比空间上下文驱动搜索需要更多的认知资源。三项实验表明,形状预测的颜色线索比非预测的颜色线索更能吸引注意力,这表明形状上下文触发了上下文预测颜色的注意控制设置。此外,形状上下文仅在两次不匹配试验后才将注意力引导到预测的颜色,这表明非空间上下文驱动搜索的表达可能比空间上下文驱动搜索需要更多的认知资源。