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Visualizing When, Where, and How Fires Happen in U.S. Parks and Protected Areas
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.3390/ijgi9050333
Nicole C. Inglis , Jelena Vukomanovic

Fire management in protected areas faces mounting obstacles as climate change alters disturbance regimes, resources are diverted to fighting wildfires, and more people live along the boundaries of parks. Evidence-based prescribed fire management and improved communication with stakeholders is vital to reducing fire risk while maintaining public trust. Numerous national fire databases document when and where natural, prescribed, and human-caused fires have occurred on public lands in the United States. However, these databases are incongruous and non-standardized, making it difficult to visualize spatiotemporal patterns of fire and engage stakeholders in decision-making. We created interactive decision analytics (“VISTAFiRe”) that transform fire history data into clear visualizations of the spatial and temporal dimensions of fire and its management. We demonstrate the utility of our approach using Big Cypress National Preserve and Everglades National Park as examples of protected areas experiencing fire regime change between 1980 and 2017. Our open source visualizations may be applied to any data from the National Park Service Wildland Fire Events Geodatabase, with flexibility to communicate shifts in fire regimes over time, such as the type of ignition, duration and magnitude, and changes in seasonal occurrence. Application of the tool to Everglades and Big Cypress revealed that natural wildfires are occurring earlier in the wildfire season, while human-caused and prescribed wildfires are becoming less and more common, respectively. These new avenues of stakeholder communication are allowing the National Park Service to devise research plans to prepare for environmental change, guide resource allocation, and support decision-making in a clear and timely manner.



保护区的消防管理面临越来越大的障碍,因为气候变化改变了干扰制度,资源被用于扑灭野火,并且更多人居住在公园的边界。基于证据的规定消防管理以及与利益相关者的更好沟通对于降低火灾风险同时保持公众信任至关重要。许多国家火灾数据库记录了美国公共土地上何时何地发生自然火灾,处方火灾和人为火灾。但是,这些数据库不统一且不规范,因此难以可视化火灾的时空模式并使利益相关者参与决策。我们创建了交互式决策分析(VISTAFiRe),可将火灾历史数据转换为火灾及其管理的时空维度的清晰可视化。我们以大赛普拉斯国家自然保护区和大沼泽国家公园为例,演示了我们的方法的效用,该保护区是1980年至2017年之间经历火情变化的保护区的例子。我们的开源可视化技术可以应用于国家公园管理局荒地火灾事件地理数据库中的任何数据,能够灵活地传达着火情况随时间的变化,例如点火类型,持续时间和强度以及季节性变化。该工具在Everglades和Big Cypress上的应用表明,自然野火发生在野火季节的早期,而人为引起的野火和规定的野火分别变得越来越少。这些与利益相关者沟通的新渠道使国家公园管理局可以制定研究计划,为环境变化做准备,