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Effect of sex, age and morphological traits on tethered flight of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) at different temperatures
Physiological Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1111/phen.12323
Louisa D. M. Makumbe 1 , Thabang P. Moropa 1 , Aruna Manrakhan 2 , Christopher W. Weldon 1

The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of fruit and vegetable production that has become established in 42 countries in Africa after its first detection in 2003 in Kenya. It is likely that this rapid expansion is partly due to the reported strong capacity for flight by the pest. This study investigated the tethered flight performance of B. dorsalis over a range of constant temperatures in relation to sex and age. Tethered flight of unmated B. dorsalis aged 3, 10 and 21 days was recorded for 1 h using a computerized flight mill at temperatures of 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 °C. Variations in fly morphology were observed as they aged. Body mass and wing loading increased with age, whereas wing length and wing area reduced as flies aged. Females had slightly larger wings than males but were not significantly heavier. The longest total distance flown by B. dorsalis in 1 h was 1559.58 m. Frequent short, fast flights were recorded at 12 and 36 °C, but long‐distance flight was optimal between 20 and 24 °C. Young flies tended to have shorter flight bouts than older flies, which was associated with them flying shorter distances. Heavier flies with greater wing loading flew further than lighter flies. Flight distances recorded on flight mills approximated those recorded in the field, and tethered flight patterns suggest a need to factor temperature into the interpretation of trap captures.



东方果蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)(双翅目:蝇科)是一种水果和蔬菜生产的害虫,自2003年在肯尼亚首次发现后,已在非洲的42个国家建立了这种害虫。这种迅速的扩展可能部分是由于据报道有害生物具有强大的逃逸能力。这项研究调查了在一定温度范围内与性别和年龄相关的背背双歧杆菌的系留飞行性能。未交配的背侧双胞胎的系留飞行使用计算机飞行磨在12、16、20、24、28、32和36°C的温度下记录3、10和21天的老化时间1小时。随着它们老化,观察到苍蝇形态的变化。体重和机翼负荷随年龄增长而增加,而机翼长度和机翼面积随着果蝇的衰老而减小。女性的翅膀比男性略大,但不明显重。背侧双体最长的总距离1 h为1559.58 m。在12至36°C时记录到频繁的短时快速飞行,但在20至24°C时长距离飞行是最佳的。年轻的苍蝇往往具有比老苍蝇短的飞行回合,这与它们飞行的距离较短有关。机翼载荷更大的苍蝇比轻的苍蝇飞得更远。飞行器上记录的飞行距离近似于现场记录的飞行距离,并且系留飞行模式表明有必要在解释诱捕装置时考虑温度。