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Ecological Applications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2136
David S. Schimel , Anne Marie Whelan

Scientists have many cultural tropes about how peer review goes awry, some of which are standing jokes. In my [Schimel’s] research group, we’ll often laugh over beers about a terrible internet video with the line “It’s reviewer three, it’s always reviewer three”, around the idea that the third reviewer, called in when the first two don’t agree, is always the one who kills a paper!

There are serious concerns about bias in peer review, and for years, I, the editorial board, and the ESA journals staff have scrutinized our process and outcomes for evidence of systematic bias in how papers are handled, and whether there is bias due to topic, author’s identify, national origin, or career stage. We know many of these types of bias have been incontrovertibly identified in other journals and areas of science, but in general, we haven’t found statistical evidence of systematic bias, which doesn’t preclude unfair outcomes in individual cases, but suggests on balance our editorial board and its members as individuals are doing a good job of focusing on scientific merit and the quality of the presentation in our papers. As Editor‐in‐Chief, I’d like to reflect on experience in managing peer review, without violating its absolute confidentiality. Each of the points I’ll make is supported in my notes by specific cases, but can’t be openly shared.

One of the oldest tropes in science, often used in writing and the cinema, is the idea that scientists, and especially “the establishment” of senior researchers and lab directors, resist new ideas. Challenging ideas may be perceived as threatening to established programs, or they may suggest that work by eminent researchers is wrong or at least misleading in some way. Our ecological science journals seem amazingly free of many of the biases authors worry about (https://doi.org/10.1002/bes2.1567) but in adjudicating many author appeals every year for two decades, reviewers do seem to hold novel concepts to a higher standard.

Reviewers’ concerns about papers with novel ideas manifest in a number of ways, some not unreasonable. Frequently, reviewers will look for a high level of certainty in analyses supporting a new idea. While this might seem reasonable – extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence – the opposite is true as well. Innovative and extraordinary ideas supported by reasonable evidence may well be worth a closer look by the community. Very few ideas in ecology are accepted based on a single study; rather those studies trigger a community of response. How much evidence is needed for researchers to return to a topic and examine it in a new light? How much evidence should a paper suggesting a fresh look require?

I’ve reviewed in depth a number of seminal papers published in Ecological Applications, papers that have generated citations but also follow‐on tests and/or applications. Many of these highly influential papers came to our journal after a round of rejections at high profile journals such as Science, Nature and PNAS; or they were rejected by our own ESA journals and were appealed, with additional review requested. Often these papers ended up being some of our most high impact papers; high impact in that they have many citations, or more importantly, that their citations are substantive, where the citing authors state that the paper was an inspiration, proposed a hypothesis, or some other substantive use of the paper, and not just one more paper in a list of prior work.

Many of these influential papers were challenged by reviewers, either on methodology or even because their conclusions conflicted with other work the reviewer considered to be better substantiated, leading the reviewer to judge the paper in hand needed stronger evidence. In other cases, reviewers have challenged technical details, admitting that the paper was overall interesting but might have methodological flaws. Once a reviewer identifies a potential methodological flaw, they only sometimes go on to ask “Does this flaw increase uncertainty or does it undermine the author’s case?” For instance, a flaw in sample size or replication might weaken a case without altering the author’s conclusions. Often, especially in novel papers, reviewers will raise the bar and ask for a perfect study.

In the applications of ecology, perfect studies are rare. Management units may be inconveniently too large to replicate experimentally; processes may play out slowly so that evidence must come from reconstructions or indirect inference, and relevant but not ideal observations or methods; some management challenges simply cannot be replicated, for example impacts of the 1988 fires in Yellowstone on its entire ecosystem, or the consequences of high flow experimental releases from Glen Canyon Dam.

In short, if you as an author feel your most exciting ideas receive rough treatment, you may well be correct. Don’t despair – we have a robust appeal process and always treat a courteous and collegial request for reconsideration with respect. We don’t accept all appeals but we do read them with care, aware that we may be considering our next seminal work!

Day in and day out, our editorial board exercises their judgment about how much evidence is enough for a new idea to be made available to our readers! We depend on our peer reviewers for technical evaluation, but we also carefully evaluate their comments. We are aware of the human impulse to react to a challenging idea, and we remind ourselves that some of our best papers received at least one round of very negative reviews! These reviews often led to an improved result or presentation, but taken at face value would have supported rejection.

Ecological Society editors do not merely count votes from peer review, but read the reviews with care, to understand the critique and to sense the reviewer’s mindset in evaluating the work. We have certainly accepted flawed papers, as can be seen from vigorous exchanges in Letters, but the alternative seems to be, too often, rejecting important work. We encourage authors and our reviewers to remember that the most challenging papers may trigger a reaction, but to use that reaction to take a deeper look. Those papers often turn out to be game changers!

Ecological Applications continues to publish a variety of excellent papers, spanning the discipline of ecology and its applications. This past year we received 837 submissions, which is up 8% from the previous 10‐year average. About 50% of submissions go out for peer review. The average time to reach a decision for peer‐reviewed manuscripts has been about 80 days in the past few years. It’s becoming more difficult over the years to find two reviewers to review a manuscript. On average we ask about five people to review to get two reviewers. For 9% of manuscripts sent out for review, we’ve had to ask 10 or more people to get two to review. For the most part, reviewers are very responsible and on average take 22 days to review a manuscript. We cannot over‐state how grateful we are for the services of our reviewers, including the ones who take more time to craft a thoughtful review. Despite the increasing pressures to get manuscripts to publication ever faster, we continue to value a careful review process, which sometimes can take longer than authors might like, but in the end results in a stronger paper.

Accepted manuscripts comprised 24% of final decisions in the past year. There were 166 manuscripts published in 2019 in Ecological Applications. Time from acceptance to publication was on average a little over two months in the past year, which is less than half the time it took before we went to publishing virtually all articles in Early View a couple years ago.

Thanks to a system which was already operating remotely with editors, reviewers, and authors from all over the world, our submission and review processes have continued uninterrupted in the age of COVID‐19. Most of the ESA journal staff have been working remotely from upstate New York since 2016, when we moved to a publishing partnership with John Wiley & Sons. Wiley is working diligently to minimize impacts; however, a primary vendor operates with staff in India and delays may occur in production. We appreciate your understanding and patience during these trying times, as the impacts are also starting to show on our volunteer editors, reviewers and authors, who are taking on the additional challenges of transitioning to online courses, adjusting research methodologies, child care, and more.




同行评审存在严重的担忧,多年来,我,编辑委员会和ESA期刊的工作人员都仔细检查了我们的流程和结果,以证明在论文处理方式上是否存在系统性偏见,以及是否由于主题而产生偏见。 ,作者的身分,国籍或职业阶段。我们知道,其他类型的偏见中的许多类型已经在其他期刊和科学领域中被无可辩驳地确定,但是总的来说,我们没有发现系统偏见的统计证据,这不能排除个别情况下的不公平结果,但总的来说是建议我们的编辑委员会及其成员作为个人,在专注于科学价值和论文发表质量方面做得很好。作为总编辑,我想回顾一下管理同行评审的经验,而不违反其绝对机密性。在某些情况下,笔记中会支持我要提出的每一个观点,但不能公开分享。



我已经深入审查了《生态学应用》中发表的许多开创性论文,这些论文不仅产生了引文,而且还进行了后续测试和/或应用。在《科学》,《自然》和《 PNAS》等知名期刊遭到一轮否决之后,其中许多具有高度影响力的论文都进入了我们的期刊。或被我们自己的ESA期刊拒绝并提出上诉,并要求进行额外的审查。通常,这些论文最终成为我们影响最大的论文。产生高影响力的原因是,它们有很多引用,或更重要的是,它们的引用是实质性的,其中引用作者指出,本文是一种启发,提出了假设或对本文进行了其他实质性使用,而不仅仅是一篇论文在先前的工作清单中。

许多有影响力的论文都受到了审稿人的质疑,无论是在方法论上,还是因为其结论与审稿人认为更好的依据都与其他工作相抵触,导致审稿人判断手中的论文需要更有力的证据。在其他情况下,审稿人质疑技术细节,承认该论文总体而言很有趣,但可能存在方法上的缺陷。一旦审阅者发现了潜在的方法缺陷,他们有时只会继续问:“该缺陷会增加不确定性还是破坏作者的案子?” 例如,样本大小或复制的缺陷可能会弱化案件,而不会改变作者的结论。通常,尤其是在新颖的论文中,审稿人会提高标准并要求进行完善的学习。







由于已经与来自世界各地的编辑,审阅者和作者进行远程操作的系统,在COVID-19时代,我们的提交和审阅过程一直没有中断。自2016年以来,我们与约翰·威利父子(John Wiley&Sons)成为出版合作伙伴以来,大多数ESA期刊工作人员一直在纽约北部地区进行远程工作。Wiley努力工作以最大程度地减少影响;但是,主要供应商在印度与员工一起经营,因此生产可能会延迟。我们感谢您在这段艰难时期的理解和耐心,因为这种影响也开始显示在我们的志愿者编辑,审稿人和作者身上,他们正面临着向在线课程过渡,调整研究方法,育儿等更多挑战。 。
