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Current thermal state of permafrost in the southern Peruvian Andes and potential impact from El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2064
Kenji Yoshikawa 1 , Jose Úbeda 2 , Pablo Masías 3 , Walter Pari 3 , Fredy Apaza 3 , Pool Vasquez 3 , Beto Ccallata 3 , Ronald Concha 4 , Gonzalo Luna 3 , Joshua Iparraguirre 5 , Isabel Ramos 6 , Gustavo De la Cruz 6 , Rolando Cruz 7 , Ramón Pellitero 8 , Martí Bonshoms 2

Tropical high‐mountain permafrost has a unique thermal regime due to its exposure to strong solar radiation and to rough surface snow morphology, which reduce ground heat transfer from the surface. Latent heat transfer and higher albedo that occur during the snow‐covered season contribute to positive feedback that supports the presence of permafrost. This preliminary study reports on the thermal state characteristics of tropical mountain permafrost in Peru. This work also evaluates the potential combined impact of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the mountain permafrost of the Coropuna and Chachani volcanic complexes, both located at the western edge of the southern Peruvian Altiplano. Temperature monitoring boreholes were established at 5,217 m at Coropuna and 5,331 m at Chachani, and electrical resistivity was surveyed in both sites. This 7‐year discontinuous record of permafrost temperature data encompasses historically extreme El Niño/La Niña events. Our results show that the current lower‐altitude permafrost boundary (~5,100 m a.s.l.) is critically influenced by the balance of wet and dry seasons: permafrost tends to deplete during drought years. Typical permafrost thickness was 10–20 m and contained ice‐rich pore spaces. The presence of permafrost and its thermal resistance depends on ice content and on higher albedo, usually due to: (a) hydrothermal alteration, which transforms the volcanic rocks into surfaces with ideal albedo for permafrost resilience; and (b) sublimation of the snow cover, forming ice‐pinnacles named penitentes.



热带高山区多年冻土由于暴露于强烈的太阳辐射和粗糙的表面积雪形态下而具有独特的热态,从而减少了地面从地面的热传递。在积雪季节发生的潜热传递和更高的反照率有助于产生支持永久冻土的正反馈。这项初步研究报告了秘鲁热带山区多年冻土的热态特征。这项工作还评估了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)对都位于秘鲁南部高原西南边缘的科罗布纳和查恰尼火山群的多年冻土带的潜在综合影响。在科罗普纳(Coropuna)建立了温度监测孔,分别在科罗普纳(5210 m)和查恰尼(Chachani)建立了5331 m,并在两个地点都测量了电阻率。这是连续7年的多年冻土温度数据记录,涵盖了历史上极端的厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜事件。我们的结果表明,当前的低海拔多年冻土边界(〜5,100 m asl)受到干,湿季节平衡的严重影响:多年干旱期间,多年冻土趋于枯竭。多年冻土的典型厚度为10–20 m,并包含富含冰的孔隙空间。多年冻土的存在及其热阻取决于冰含量和较高的反照率,通常是由于:(a)热液蚀变,将火山岩转变成具有理想的反照率的表面,以实现永久冻土的回弹力;(b)积雪的升华,形成了名为“ penitentes”的冰峰。我们的结果表明,当前的低海拔多年冻土边界(〜5,100 m asl)受到干,湿季节平衡的严重影响:在干旱年份,多年冻土趋于枯竭。多年冻土的典型厚度为10–20 m,并包含富含冰的孔隙空间。多年冻土的存在及其热阻取决于冰含量和较高的反照率,通常是由于:(a)热液蚀变,将火山岩转变成具有理想的反照率的表面,以实现永久冻土的回弹力;(b)积雪的升华,形成了名为“ penitentes”的冰峰。我们的结果表明,当前的低海拔多年冻土边界(〜5,100 m asl)受到干,湿季节平衡的严重影响:在干旱年份,多年冻土趋于枯竭。多年冻土的典型厚度为10–20 m,并包含富含冰的孔隙空间。多年冻土的存在及其耐热性取决于冰含量和较高的反照率,通常是由于:(a)热液蚀变,将火山岩转变成具有理想的反照率的表层,以实现多年冻土的复原力;(b)积雪的升华,形成名为“ penitentes”的冰峰。多年冻土的存在及其耐热性取决于冰含量和较高的反照率,通常是由于:(a)热液蚀变,将火山岩转变成具有理想的反照率的表层,以实现多年冻土的复原力;(b)积雪的升华,形成了名为“ penitentes”的冰峰。多年冻土的存在及其热阻取决于冰含量和较高的反照率,通常是由于:(a)热液蚀变,将火山岩转变成具有理想的反照率的表面,以实现永久冻土的回弹力;(b)积雪的升华,形成了名为“ penitentes”的冰峰。