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Response letter to the editor: Clinical impact of proton pump inhibitor response and dependence.
Neurogastroenterology & Motility ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1111/nmo.13855
Philip Woodland 1 , Yoshimasa Hoshikawa 1 , Daniel Sifrim 1

We read with interest the letter to the Editor by Dr Ribolsi and Dr Cicala with regard to our recent paper published in the journal. We thank them for their insightful contribution to the discussion around proton pump inhibitor (PPI) dependency and exacerbation of gastro‐esophageal reflux symptoms upon withdrawing PPIs.

In our study, rebound symptoms on stopping PPIs appeared to occur in patients with both normal and abnormal objective acid exposure. We agree that it would be fascinating to have pre‐PPI therapy data for these patients in order to better understand the effect of withdrawing PPIs compared with baseline. Nevertheless, the data we have presented shows that, at the time of heartburn symptom exacerbation, a significant proportion of patients have esophageal acid exposure and number of reflux events that can be considered completely normal. The mechanism for this requires further examination. Very few in our study demonstrated reflux hypersensitivity by pH‐impedance criteria.

The role of dilated intercellular spaces (DIS) in the esophageal epithelium is indeed, of interest in when considering the reason for increased perception in such patients. Over time, we have read with interest the studies by the authors of the letter.1, 2 We agree that the presence of DIS may allow H+ ions to permeate to the nerve endings. However, we have also shown recently that the location of such nociceptive nerves frequently lie in the superficial layers of the epithelium, above the anatomical location of DIS (particularly in patients with non‐erosive disease).3, 4 This suggests that the ability of acid to permeate to the deeper epithelium is not always required to trigger nociception. The more the mucosa in gastro‐esophageal reflux disease is investigated, the more multifactorial the pathogenesis appears. It is probable that acid exposure, nerve location and sensitivity, inflammation, DIS, and other factors all play an overlapping role in pathogenesis. We look forward to working alongside our international peers to unravel how these factors combine and interact.





当考虑到这种患者的知觉增加的原因时,确实需要关注食管上皮细胞间隙的扩张(DIS)的作用。随着时间的流逝,我们感兴趣地阅读了这封信作者的研究。1,2我们同意DIS的存在可能会使H +离子渗透到神经末梢。但是,最近我们还发现,这种伤害性神经的位置通常位于上皮的浅层中,位于DIS的解剖位置之上(特别是在非糜烂性疾病患者中)。3 4这表明并非总是需要酸渗透到更深的上皮的能力来触发伤害感受。对胃食管反流病中的粘膜进行的研究越多,发病机理就越多。酸暴露,神经位置和敏感性,炎症,DIS和其他因素很可能在发病机理中起重叠作用。我们期待与国际同行一道,共同探讨这些因素如何结合和相互作用。
