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Reproductive biology of the sawtooth barracuda, Sphyraena putnamae (Jordan and Seale, 1905) along the coastal waters of Karnataka, southeastern Arabian Sea
Regional Studies in Marine Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101314
K.M. Rajesh , Prathibha Rohit , E.M. Abdussamad , Divya Viswambharan

The reproductive cycle, maturity, sex ratio, and fecundity of the sawtooth barracuda Sphyraena putnamae was investigated from 1108 specimen samples along the Karnataka coast off the southeastern Arabian Sea. The sex ratio between males and females (1:1.08) was not significantly different. The fork length at 50% maturity (Lm50) for females and males was estimated at 39.4 cm and 38.0 cm, respectively. The pattern of Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the maturity stages of females suggest two peaks in the spawning, with a distinct one during April–May and a less prominent one between November–January.​ However, the incidence of spawning capable, regressing and regenerating fishes all through the year in varied frequencies implies that spawning takes place throughout the year. The absolute fecundity estimates vary from 69,689 eggs for a female of 30.4 cm fork length (FL) to 944,793 eggs for a female of 73 cm FL. The average batch fecundity was calculated as 310,763 hydrated oocytes per female. The relative batch fecundity ranges from (female gutted weight) 285 to 964 eggs g−1 with an average of 605 eggs g−1. Fecundity correlates positively with fish length and weight indicating that larger females produce a greater number of eggs compared with the smaller ones. The biological information on maturation, reproductive cycle, spawning periodicity and potential provided for the first time in this study can be useful for developing appropriate management strategies for the conservation and judicious exploitation of this commercially important barracuda species.


阿拉伯东南海卡纳塔克邦沿海水域的锯齿梭子鱼Sphyraena putnamae(Jordan and Seale,1905)的生殖生物学

从阿拉伯海东南部卡纳塔克邦海岸的1108个标本中调查了锯齿梭子鱼Sphyraena putnamae的繁殖周期,成熟度,性别比和繁殖力。男女性别比例(1:1.08)没有显着差异。成熟度为50%时的货叉长度(大号50)的雌性和雄性分别估计为39.4厘米和38.0厘米。性腺体细胞指数(GSI)的模式和雌性的成熟阶段表明产卵有两个高峰,在4月至5月有一个高峰,而在11月至1月之间有一个不太明显的高峰。全年以不同的频率使鱼类再生,这意味着全年都会产卵。绝对生殖力估计值从30.4 cm叉长(FL)的雌性69,689卵到73 cm FL雌性的944,793卵不等。平均批次繁殖力计算为每位雌性310,763个水合卵母细胞。相对批次繁殖力的范围为(雌性内脏重量)285到964蛋g -1,平均为605蛋g -1。繁殖力与鱼的长度和体重呈正相关,表明与较小的雌性相比,较大的雌性产生更多的卵。这项研究中首次提供的有关成熟,生殖周期,产卵周期和潜能的生物学信息可有助于制定适当的管理策略,以保护和明智地开发这种具有重要商业价值的梭鱼。
