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Enhanced dispatch and rendezvous doubles the catchment area and number of patients treated on a mobile stroke unit.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.104894
Stephanie A Parker 1 , Tessa Kus 1 , Ritvij Bowry 1 , Nicole Gutierrez 1 , Chunyan Cai 1 , Jose-Miguel Yamal 2 , Suja Rajan 2 , Mengxi Wang 2 , Asha P Jacob 2 , Christopher Souders 3 , David Persse 3 , James C Grotta 4


Mobile Stroke Units (MSUs) deliver acute stroke treatment on-scene in coordination with Emergency Medical Services (EMS). One criticism of the MSU approach is the limited range of a single MSU. The Houston MSU is evaluating MSU implementation, and we developed a rendezvous approach as an innovative solution to expand the range and number of patients treated.


In addition to direct 911 dispatch of our MSU to the scene within our 7-mile catchment area, we empowered more distant EMS units to activate the MSU. We also monitored EMS radio communications to identify possible patients. For these distant patients, the MSU met the EMS unit en route to the stroke center and treated the patient at that intermediate location. The distribution of the distance from MSU base station to site of stroke and time from 911 alert to tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) bolus were compared between patients treated on-scene and by rendezvous using Wilcoxon rank sum test.


Over 4 years, 338 acute ischemic stroke patients were treated with tPA on our MSU. Of these, 169 (50%) were treated on-scene after MSU dispatch at a median of 6.4 miles (IQR 6.4 miles) from MSU base station. 169 (50%) were treated by ‘rendezvous’ pathway with assessment and treatment of stroke a median of 12.4 miles from base (IQR 5.5 miles) (p< 0.0001). Time (min) from MSU alert to tPA bolus did not differ: 36.0 ± 10.0 for on-scene vs 37.0 ± 10.0 with rendezvous (p=0.65). 13% of patients alerted via direct 911 dispatch were treated vs 44% of rendezvous patients.


Adding a rendezvous approach to an MSU dispatch pathway doubles the range of operations and the number of patients treated by an MSU in an urban area, without incurring delay.








在4年中,在我们的MSU上用tPA治疗了338例急性缺血性中风患者。其中,有169(50%)位在距离MSU基站6.4英里(IQR 6.4英里)的MSU派遣后现场接受了治疗。169例(50%)通过“结节”途径进行了治疗,评估和治疗卒中的中位数为距基础12.4英里(IQR 5.5英里)(p <0.0001)。从MSU警报到tPA推注的时间(分钟)没有差异:现场直播时为36.0±10.0,而会合时为37.0±10.0(p = 0.65)。通过直接911调度发出警报的患者中有13%得到了治疗,而集合点患者则只有44%。


