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Cenozoic intraplate magmatism of central Patagonia, Argentina
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102650
Miguel J. Haller , Gabriela I. Massaferro , Viviana I. Alric , César R. Navarrete , Nilda Menegatti

Abstract During Cenozoic times, Patagonia was characterized by an intense magmatic intraplate activity that gave rise to a large volume of basaltic flows and intrusive bodies. This work aims to gather all the available information along with unpublished data of the authors about this magmatism that crops out in the center and south of the Chubut Province, Patagonia Argentina. Small outcrops of Paleocene basalts are present northeast of Paso de Indios and east of Colhue Huapi Lake. The Eocene rocks are represented by basalt flows and intrusive bodies distributed in the west-center, center, and south-west of the Chubut Province. The most significant volume of rocks was produced during the upper Oligocene-lower Miocene generating Meseta Canquel, Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Buen Pasto, and Meseta Los Galpones. Many intrusive gabbroic bodies with different geometries, related to this extended volcanism, crop out in the surroundings of the Colhue Huapi and Musters lakes. The basaltic volcanism of the upper Miocene is represented mainly in the northwest of the Chubut Province. The Pliocene basalts are distributed in the San Bernardo fold and thrust belt. The Pleistocene basalts form volcanic fields of reduced extensions in the north of Chubut, west of Gastre; in the center, near Pampa de Agnia; in the southwest, in the valley of Genoa River and they also form isolated scoria cones located atop Meseta Canquel. Most of the studied rocks have alkaline affinities and OIB signatures, typical of magmas related to garnetiferous peridotite sources. The origin of this basic Paleogene-Pleistocene magmatism, although there are several proposals, would be linked to regional geodynamic processes that include the subduction of mid-ocean ridges with the generation of slab asthenospheric windows and, lithospheric extensional periods related to the steepness of the subducted oceanic lithosphere, as well as a possible relationship with a stagnant oceanic slab at depths of the transition mantle.



摘要 新生代巴塔哥尼亚以强烈的岩浆板内活动为特征,产生大量玄武岩流和侵入体。这项工作旨在收集所有可用信息以及作者未发表的有关这种在阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚丘布特省中部和南部出现的岩浆活动的数据。Paso de Indios 东北部和 Colhue Huapi 湖以东有少量古新世玄武岩露头。始新世岩石以玄武岩流和侵入体为代表,分布在丘布特省的中西部、中部和西南部。最重要的岩石体积是在上渐新世-下中新世生成 Meseta Canquel、Sierra Nevada、Sierra de Buen Pasto 和 Meseta Los Galpones 期间产生的。许多具有不同几何形状的侵入性辉长岩体与这种扩展的火山作用有关,出现在 Colhue Huapi 和 Musters 湖的周围。上中新世玄武岩火山活动主要分布在丘布特省的西北部。上新世玄武岩分布在圣贝尔纳多褶皱和逆冲带中。更新世玄武岩在丘布特以北、加斯特以西形成了火山岩区,其延伸范围缩小;在中心,靠近 Pampa de Agni;在西南部,在热那亚河谷,它们还形成了位于 Meseta Canquel 顶部的孤立的火山渣锥。大多数研究的岩石具有碱性亲和力和 OIB 特征,这是与石榴石橄榄岩来源相关的典型岩浆。这种基本的古近纪-更新世岩浆作用的起源,虽然有几个提议,