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Post-LGM faulting in Central Europe: LiDAR detection of the >50 km-long Sub-Tatra fault, Western Carpathians
Geomorphology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107248
Tomáš Pánek , Jozef Minár , Ladislav Vitovič , Michal Břežný

Abstract The increasing availability of high-resolution LiDAR data reveals surprisingly strong topographic evidence of late Quaternary faulting in some intraplate regions characterized by weak recent tectonic activity. For the first time, we present evidence of a >50 km-long post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) tectonic rupture along the southern margin of the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) in the highest part of the Carpathian Mountains. Using a high-resolution 1 × 1 m LiDAR DEM, we recognize that the normal, range-bounding Sub-Tatra fault (STF) and its eastward branch, the Ružbachy fault (RBF), offset late Quaternary glacial moraines, alluvial fans and colluvial slopes. The fault zone morphology is dominated by a nearly continuous, southward-facing, up to ~18 m-high main scarp locally accompanied by antithetic fault scarps and hanging wall grabens. Similar offsets of pre-LGM and LGM deposits and the absence of fault scarps within Holocene alluvium suggest that the STF and RBF were active for a relatively short time interval between ~18 ka and the Holocene. Using the vertical separation of dated LGM moraine crests, we estimate that the minimum average postglacial slip rates along the STF and RBF varied from ~0.1–0.3 mm/year, i.e., rates one order of magnitude higher than those reported for other faults in Central Europe. Additionally, deep-seated landslides and the presence of large rock avalanches along the fault suggest possible postglacial high-magnitude earthquake(s) producing coseismic rupture of the STF and RBF. We conclude that 1) southern range-bounding faults of the Tatra Mountains are the longest (>50 km) and only documented post-LGM ruptures revealing extensive offset of late Quaternary deposits in the Western Carpathians and 2) relatively small along-strike variations in postglacial offset mimic the long-term exhumation trends and imply “en block” uplift of the southern margin of the Tatra Mountains with the highest displacement along the east STF.


中欧的 LGM 后断层:LiDAR 检测超过 50 公里长的 Sub-Tatra 断层,西喀尔巴阡山脉

摘要 高分辨率 LiDAR 数据的日益普及揭示了一些以近期构造活动较弱为特征的板内区域晚第四纪断层的强烈地形证据。我们首次提供了在喀尔巴阡山脉最高部分的塔特拉山脉(斯洛伐克)南缘发生超过 50 公里长的末次盛冰期 (LGM) 后构造破裂的证据。使用高分辨率的 1 × 1 m LiDAR DEM,我们认识到正常的、范围限定的 Sub-Tatra 断层 (STF) 及其向东的分支 Ružbachy 断层 (RBF),抵消了晚第四纪冰碛、冲积扇和崩积连续下坡。断层带形态以近乎连续的、朝南的、高达约 18 m 的主陡崖为主,局部伴有对立的断崖和上盘地堑。前 LGM 和 LGM 沉积物的类似偏移以及全新世冲积物中没有断层陡坡表明 STF 和 RBF 在~18 ka 和全新世之间的相对较短的时间间隔内活跃。使用年代久远的 LGM 碛嵴的垂直分离,我们估计沿 STF 和 RBF 的最小平均冰后滑动速率在约 0.1-0.3 毫米/年之间变化,即,速率比中部其他断层报告的速率高一个数量级欧洲。此外,深部滑坡和沿断层的大型岩崩表明可能发生冰后高震级地震,导致 STF 和 RBF 发生同震破裂。我们得出的结论是 1) 塔特拉山脉南部山脉边界断层最长 (>