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Panorama of citrus canker in the United States
Tropical Plant Pathology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s40858-020-00355-8
Alberto M. Gochez , Franklin Behlau , Raghuwinder Singh , Kevin Ong , Leroy Whilby , Jeffrey B. Jones

This review summarizes the current status of citrus canker in the United States. The disease is present in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. In Florida, the eradication program ended in 2006 and now citrus canker is endemic to many citrus-growing areas, although it is still possible to find canker-free groves. In endemic areas, the disease is controlled using windbreaks, applying copper-based bactericides, controlling the citrus leafminer, and applying systemic plant activators. In Louisiana, citrus canker was identified in 2013, the first time since the 1940s, and has since been identified in 10 of the parishes where plant material and fruit are not allowed to leave the quarantine areas. There are no eradication efforts in Louisiana and removal of trees is voluntary. Finally, citrus canker resurfaced in Texas in 2015 and has been detected in several locations. Currently only the type A W strain is present in Texas and quarantine efforts are being taken to mitigate the risk of introduction of the type A strain into the state.



本综述总结了美国柑橘溃疡病的现状。该疾病存在于佛罗里达州、路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州。在佛罗里达,根除计划于 2006 年结束,现在柑橘溃疡病是许多柑橘种植区的地方病,尽管仍有可能找到无溃疡病的树林。在流行地区,通过使用防风林、施用铜基杀菌剂、控制柑橘潜叶虫和施用内吸植物活化剂来控制该病害。在路易斯安那州,柑橘溃疡病于 2013 年被发现,这是自 1940 年代以来的第一次,此后在 10 个不允许植物材料和水果离开检疫区的教区中发现了柑橘溃疡病。路易斯安那州没有根除工作,砍伐树木是自愿的。最后,柑橘溃疡病于 2015 年在德克萨斯州重新出现,并已在多个地点检测到。目前,德克萨斯州仅存在 AW 型菌株,并且正在采取检疫措施以降低将 A 型菌株引入该州的风险。