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Carbohydrate dynamics in a resprouting species after severe aboveground perturbations
European Journal of Forest Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10342-020-01288-2
José Carlos Miranda , Jesús Rodríguez-Calcerrada , Pilar Pita , Matthias Saurer , Jacek Oleksyn , Luis Gil

Resprouting woody species adapted to perturbations store large amounts of carbon reserves to sustain plant metabolism during and resprout following perturbations. However, it is not known how carbon sources and sinks re-adjust in response to perturbations. Here, we studied when and where different reserve pools were mobilized after an aboveground perturbation, and how were new assimilates used after resprouting. Leaf gas exchange, plant organ carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C) and nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations [NSC] were measured over one year in Pinus canariensis saplings subjected to complete defoliation (D) or complete defoliation plus stem damage (DD). Growth stopped completely in D and DD trees by the second month after the treatment application and during subsequent crown development. Growth resumed in most trees (60%) by the end of the growing season. Relative to control (C) trees, stem xylem [starch] decreased in D and DD during resprouting of new buds. Stem and root [starch] were also lower during growth resumption in these trees. One year after aboveground damages, leaf and root δ 13 C were significantly lower in D and DD, whereas [starch] recovered to values of C trees, except in roots of DD trees. Mobilization of carbon reserves from woody organs allows for resprouting and contributes to crown regeneration, stem growth resumption and wound healing in DD trees. New 13 C-depleted photoassimilates contribute to these processes, and to refilling carbohydrates reserves. High [starch], plasticity in growth during and recovery of [starch] after severe aboveground disturbance, highlights high resilience of P. canariensis to perturbation.



适应扰动的重新发芽木本物种储存了大量的碳储备,以维持植物在扰动期间的新陈代谢和扰动后的重新发芽。然而,尚不清楚碳源和碳汇如何响应扰动而重新调整。在这里,我们研究了地上扰动后不同储备池在何时何地被动员,以及在重新发芽后如何使用新的同化物。在经历了完全落叶 (D) 或完全落叶加茎损伤 (DD) 的加那利松树苗一年内测量了叶片气体交换、植物器官碳同位素组成 (δ 13 C) 和非结构性碳水化合物浓度 [NSC]。在施用处理后的第二个月和随后的树冠发育期间,D 和 DD 树的生长完全停止。到生长季节结束时,大多数树木(60%)恢复了生长。相对于对照 (C) 树,在新芽重新萌发期间,D 和 DD 中的茎木质部 [淀粉] 减少。在这些树木恢复生长期间,茎和根 [淀粉] 也较低。地上破坏一年后,D 和 DD 的叶和根 δ 13 C 显着降低,而 [淀粉] 恢复到 C 树的值,DD 树的根除外。从木质器官中调动碳储量允许重新发芽并有助于 DD 树的树冠再生、茎的恢复和伤口愈合。新的 13 C 耗尽光同化物有助于这些过程,并补充碳水化合物储备。高[淀粉],在严重的地上干扰后[淀粉]的生长和恢复过程中的可塑性,突出了P.的高弹性。