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Transforming the ancestors: early evidence of fire-induced manipulation on human bones in the Near East from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B of Kharaysin (Jordan)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01065-7
Jonathan Santana , Eneko Iriarte , Luis C. Teira , Javier Garcia-Tojal , Juan Muñiz , Juan Jose Ibáñez

Cremation is an unusual burial practice in the Neolithic of the Near East. At Kharaysin, a Pre-Pottery Neolithic site in Jordan, we found a secondary burial with evidence of burnt human bones. This paper assesses (1) the intentionality of fire-induced alterations on human bones, (2) the pre-burning condition of the human remains, and (3) their significance within the burial customs of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic in the Near East. Burial SU-815 was a secondary multiple burial with burnt and unburnt human remains from at least three adult individuals. Directly dated at 8010 ± 30 BP (7058–6825 cal BC), it corresponds to the Late Pre-Potttery Neolithic B (LPPNB). Macroscopic changes in human remains were analysed to investigate the circumstances of burning. Some bones were selected for mineralogical and compositional analysis through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Colour changes, fractures, cracking, and chemical changes on bones were identified as resulting from fire-induced alterations. Our results show that the bones were intentionally burnt when they were already skeletonised or almost dry. This intentional manipulation using fire happened after other burial practices took place. After burning, the bones were collected and transported to this burial during a final episode. Fire-induced manipulation or cremation was not a significant development of the habitual burial practice, but evidence from Kharaysin shows an innovation in handling the human remains. Therefore, this case provides new insight into the complexity and variability of burial customs within the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Southern Levant.



在近东的新石器时代,火葬是一种不寻常的葬礼活动。在约旦的陶器前新石器时代遗址Kharaysin,我们发现了一个二次埋葬的迹象,显示出骨头被烧毁。本文评估了(1)火灾引起的对人类骨骼的改变的意图,(2)人体遗骸的预燃烧状况,以及(3)它们在近东新石器时代墓前习俗中的意义。 。SU-815埋葬是次要的多重埋葬,带有至少三个成年个体的已焚烧和未焚烧的人类遗骸。它的直接年代为8010±30 BP(7058–6825 cal BC),对应于晚期陶器新石器时代B(LPPNB)。分析了人类遗体的宏观变化,以调查燃烧情况。通过X射线衍射(XRD)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)选择了一些骨骼进行矿物学和成分分析。识别出由于火引起的变化而导致的骨骼颜色变化,断裂,破裂和化学变化。我们的结果表明,当骨骼已经骨骼化或几乎干燥时,骨骼会被故意烧毁。这种使用火的故意操纵发生在其他埋葬行为发生之后。燃烧后,收集骨头并将其运送到最后的葬礼中。火引起的操纵或火化不是惯常葬礼做法的重要发展,但Kharaysin的证据表明在处理人类遗体方面有创新。因此,