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Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1002/cyto.b.21889
J. Philip McCoy 1

I would like to start this article by hoping that all reading this are safe and healthy, and that your friends and loved ones are also doing well throughout the terrible pandemic that we all are enduring. Hopefully by the time you are reading this, the pandemic is beginning to ebb and we can start returning to our normal routines. Thankfully, people and systems have been in place to assure the publication of ongoing issues of this and other scientific journals, enabling us to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments while we social distance from one another.


J. Philip McCoy, Jr [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

In this issue there are 6 articles and a brief communication with the subjects of articles ranging from studies in minimal residual disease and myelodysplastic syndromes to the use of imaging flow cytometry in the assessment of erythrocytic disorders to various topics concerning T cells.

Rossi and colleagues (1) examine leukemia‐associated immunophenotypes (LAIP) in bone marrow specimens from both healthy donors as well as from the post‐treatment, recovering patients who had suffered various hematologic malignancies. It is now rather difficult to believe that 30 years ago minimal residual disease was defined microscopically by manually counting blasts under a slide and flow cytometric determinations of MRD were only just being proposed (2). Past studies have demonstrated that these LAIP, which consist of aberrant expressions of surface markers, are highly useful in the detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) (3) but not without possible pitfalls (4). In the current study, Rossi et al assign LAIP frequencies into “categories of specificity” ranging from strong to weak based on the number and combination of LAIPs studied and suggest that this approach may increase the sensitivity of monitoring MRD in specific patient populations.

The assessment of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) has always presented a challenge in the clinical laboratory. A recent review by Duetz and colleagues (5) nicely overviews developments and possible future directions of these studies. In this issue, Barreau et al. (6) validate a one tube, 10 antibody panel to study maturing granulocyte and monocyte populations in bone marrow samples from 251 patients. A number of panels and markers have been proposed to MDS evaluation, and as shown by Font et al (7), standardization among laboratories is accomplished by substantial effort. The one tube, 10 color panel with defined gating strategies proposed by Barreau et al could be amenable to interlab standardization. The authors propose using this panel to score abnormal expression patterns on monocytes and granulocytes, and in adding these to the Ogata score (8), establish a simple, reproducible, and sensitive method for MDS diagnosis.

Dimopoulos and coworkers (9) delve beyond MDS into the gray zone of idiopathic and clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance (ICUS/CCUS), asking the question if flow cytometric analyses would shed more light on these samples and provide enhancement of the prognostic picture of these patients. A recent review by Tanaka and Bejar discusses the complexity of MDS and MDS overlap disorders (10). In the current study Dimopoulos and colleagues use four eight antibody tubes from the Euroflow AML panel (11) as well as morphological reassessment and targeted DNA sequencing to study 79 patients with unexplained cytopenia. Among the many findings of this study was that a blinded morphological reevaluation of these samples by pathologists led to one or more of the reviewers finding more that 10% dysplasia in the marrows which would have led to a diagnosis of MDS. The flow cytometry was suggestive of dysplasia in 11 out of 12 of these samples; thus, initial immunophenotyping of these samples might have led to an initial reevaluation of these marrow. This and novel studies such as that by Raimbault et al. (12) promise to refine our knowledge of MDS and MDS‐like disorders and ultimately result in better patient care.

Switching gears a bit, More and colleagues bring us a study of erythrocyte membrane disorders using imaging flow cytometry (13). Imaging flow cytometry (IFC), a technology that became commercially available roughly a dozen years ago, has yet to gain substantial traction for use in the clinical flow cytometry laboratory. IFC is an extremely interesting and powerful methodology as it provides multicolor single cells analysis similar to more tradition flow cytometry while adding the ability to examine morphology and stain distribution of each cell acquired in a data file (14). Adding these features overcomes a longstanding limitation of flow cytometry – that of the lack of morphological information about a cell, while also overcoming constraints of microscopy by examining statistically rigorous numbers of cells in a non‐subjective manner. Further, the features acquired by IFC can be thoroughly studied using a long list of analytical tools to study various aspects of the cellular morphology and staining patterns. An example of how this technology can be applied to erythrocyte disorders was seen in a previous study which demonstrated the utility of IFC in the detection and characterization of sickled erythrocytes in clinical samples (15) as well as other erythrocyte disorders (16). More et al ask the question whether IFC can be used in the detection of hereditary spherocytosis (HS) and the answer appears to be a definitive “yes”. Using eosin‐5‐maleimide (EMA) to stain the surface of RBCs, the mean fluorescence intensity and other features were measured on samples from 50 control subjects and 165 patients with putative RBC disorders. HS samples showed a statistically significant decrease in the MFI of EMA compared to the control populations while other erythrocyte disorders showed no significant decrease. It would be of interest to determine of the recently published “new staining protocol” for fixation and permeabilization of erythrocytes would be adaptable to IFC for further studies of RBC disorders involving intracellular targets.

The final three articles in this issue address T lymphocytes, but in widely varying contexts. Petsiou and coworkers examine the various ways in which T regulatory (Tregs) can be identified and propose one method to best identify Tregs in both effector and naïve populations (17). The markers most commonly used to identify Tregs can be found in various combinations on a number of different T cell populations as demonstrated by Biancotto et al. (18). Using various combinations of Treg‐associated markers including CD25, FoxP3, andCD127 as well as CD45, CD14, and CD45RO the authors find that the use of a panel consisting of CD4/CD25/CD45RO/FoxP3 identifies 6 CD4+ T cell fractions including effector and naïve Tregs. A previous study has proposed a standardized protocol for monitoring Tregs in clinical trials using a panel consisting of CD3/CD4/CD8/CD25/CD127/FoxP3 (19). A modification of that panel with the addition of CD45RO as suggested currently might be of interest, although the issue of gating on CD127 low cells would still need to be resolved. Studies such as these could have direct clinical impact in a number of areas, such as blood stem cell harvests (20).

An examination of T cell subsets in the peripheral blood of patients suffering from HIV neuro‐tuberculosis coinfections is presented by Rao and colleagues (21). In this study the investigators looked at six populations of patients: those with HIV and neurotuberculosis (nTB); HIV and systemic TB (sTB); asymptomatic HIV TB negative; non HIV nTB; non HIV sTB; and healthy controls. A myriad of differences were observed in numerous T cell populations among these patient groups. Although the ultimate impact of these differences on the courses of disease in these patients remains to be delineated, there is little doubt that these findings will augment our understanding of the pathogenesis when these two deadly infectious diseases occur together.

Finally, we have a brief communication from Fromm and coworkers (22) describing 12 samples of incidental T lymphoblast populations from 10 patients. Despite the encyclopedic knowledge available about normal T cell maturation, there remains a need to more accurately distinguish between the occurrence of indolent T cell precursors and T lymphoblastic lymphomas/leukemias, as illustrated by a recent case report from Yuan and colleagues (23). In the current study lymph node suspensions were stained with either a nine color or ten color panel. Eight of the cases showed a T cell phenotype of CD4‐/CD8‐ with most of these also expressing CD34, three cases showed CD4+/CD8+ T cells, and one case showed low CD8 without CD4 coexpression. Further study of the deeper immunophenotypes revealed no noted abnormalities. These data suggest that indolent T cell proliferations can display immunophenotypes representing various stages of T cell maturation while no aberrant phenotypes are observed.





J. Philip McCoy,Jr [可在wileyonlinelibrary.com上查看彩色图形]




Dimopoulos及其同事(9)深入研究MDS以外的灰色区域,发现其原发性和克隆性血细胞减少症的重要性尚未确定(ICUS / CCUS),并提出了一个问题,即流式细胞术分析是否可以为这些样本提供更多的信息,并增强这些样本的预后情况耐心。Tanaka和Bejar最近的评论讨论了MDS和MDS重叠障碍的复杂性(10)。在当前的研究中,Dimopoulos及其同事使用了Euroflow AML小组的四个八支抗体管(11)以及形态学重新评估和靶向DNA测序,以研究79例原因不明的血细胞减少症患者。在这项研究的许多发现中,病理学家对这些样品进行了盲目形态重新评估,导致一名或多名审阅者发现骨髓中有10%以上的异型增生,这将导致MDS的诊断。流式细胞仪提示其中有12个样本中有11个发育异常。因此,这些样品的最初免疫表型可能导致了这些骨髓的最初重新评估。这种和新颖的研究,例如Raimbault等人的研究。(12)承诺完善我们对MDS和MDS样疾病的了解,并最终带来更好的患者护理。


本期的最后三篇文章讨论了T淋巴细胞,但背景变化很大。Petsiou及其同事研究了可识别T调节剂(Tregs)的各种方法,并提出了一种在效应和未加工人群中最佳识别Treg的方法(17)。如Biancotto等人所证实的,可以在许多不同的T细胞群体上以各种组合找到最常用于鉴定Treg的标记。(18)。作者使用多种Treg相关标记的组合,包括CD25,FoxP3和CD127以及CD45,CD14和CD45RO,发现使用由CD4 / CD25 / CD45RO / FoxP3组成的面板可识别6个CD4 + T细胞组分,包括效应子和天真的Tregs。先前的研究提出了使用由CD3 / CD4 / CD8 / CD25 / CD127 / FoxP3组成的小组在临床试验中监测Treg的标准化方案(19)。尽管仍需要解决门控CD127低细胞的问题,但目前建议的对CD面板进行修改的建议是添加CD45RO。这些研究可能会在许多领域产生直接的临床影响,例如血液干细胞收获(20)。


最后,我们与Fromm及其同事(22)进行了简短的交流,描述了来自10位患者的12个偶然T淋巴母细胞群体的样本。尽管有关于正常T细胞成熟的百科全书知识,但仍然需要更准确地区分惰性T细胞前体的发生与T淋巴细胞母细胞性淋巴瘤/白血病的发生,如Yuan和他的同事最近的病例报告所说明的那样(23)。在本研究中,淋巴结悬液用九色或十色板染色。其中8例显示CD4- / CD8-的T细胞表型,其中大多数还表达CD34,3例显示CD4 + / CD8 + T细胞,而1例显示低CD8而无CD4共表达。对更深层次的免疫表型的进一步研究表明没有发现异常。这些数据表明,惰性T细胞增殖可以显示代表T细胞成熟各个阶段的免疫表型,而没有观察到异常表型。
