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A global assessment of the human pressure on the world's lakes
Global Environmental Change ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102084
Christos Mammides

Millions of humans across the globe depend on lakes for numerous ecosystem services. Furthermore, humans use lakes as a food source and for a multitude of economic activities. Lakes are also essential to a plethora of taxa that rely on them for survival. Yet, despite the importance of lakes, we still lack an assessment of the extent lakes worldwide are being influenced by anthropogenic activities. In this study, I use the global database of lakes, the human footprint index from 1993 and 2009, and the more recent human modification index to measure the human pressure on the world's lakes. I found that one-third of the lakes are under considerable pressure. However, during the 16-year period examined, human pressure had increased in only 16% of the lakes, while it remained unchanged in 66%, and has even decreased in 18%. These patterns, though, were not uniform across the globe. Many lakes within tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in Africa—but also in South America and Asia—experienced sizeable increases in human pressure. Moreover, the percentage of lakes within Key Biodiversity Areas in which the human pressure had increased was three times larger the overall number. Although increases in human pressure were lower in lakes within protected areas—compared to lakes outside—there were numerous exceptions, particularly in the tropics. To protect biodiverse lakes in regions where human pressure is intensifying, it is important to improve the effectiveness of the protected areas and to address the socioeconomic factors driving the increases in human pressure.



全球有数百万人依靠湖泊来提供众多的生态系统服务。此外,人类利用湖泊作为食物来源和进行多种经济活动。湖泊对于众多依靠它们生存的生物群来说也是必不可少的。然而,尽管湖泊很重要,但我们仍然缺乏对全球湖泊受人为活动影响的程度的评估。在这项研究中,我使用了全球湖泊数据库,1993年至2009年的人类足迹指数以及最新的人类适应指数来衡量世界湖泊上的人类压力。我发现三分之一的湖泊承受着巨大的压力。但是,在所考察的16年中,人类压力仅在16%的湖泊中升高,而在66%的基础上保持不变,甚至下降了18%。不过,这些模式 在全球范围内并不统一。热带和亚热带地区的许多湖泊,特别是在非洲以及南美和亚洲,都经历了巨大的人为压力上升。此外,人为压力增加的主要生物多样性区内的湖泊百分比是总数的三倍。尽管与保护区外的湖泊相比,保护区内的湖泊的人为压力上升幅度较小,但仍有许多例外情况,特别是在热带地区。为了保护人类压力加剧地区的生物多样性湖泊,重要的是提高保护区的效力并解决推动人类压力上升的社会经济因素。特别是在非洲-以及南美和亚洲-经历了巨大的人类压力上升。此外,人为压力增加的主要生物多样性区内的湖泊百分比是总数的三倍。尽管与保护区外的湖泊相比,保护区内的湖泊的人为压力上升幅度较小,但有许多例外情况,特别是在热带地区。为了保护人类压力加剧地区的生物多样性湖泊,重要的是提高保护区的效力并解决推动人类压力上升的社会经济因素。特别是在非洲-以及南美和亚洲-经历了巨大的人类压力上升。此外,人为压力增加的主要生物多样性区内的湖泊百分比是总数的三倍。尽管与保护区外的湖泊相比,保护区内的湖泊的人为压力上升幅度较小,但有许多例外情况,特别是在热带地区。为了保护人类压力加剧地区的生物多样性湖泊,重要的是提高保护区的效力并解决推动人类压力上升的社会经济因素。人为压力增加的关键生物多样性区内的湖泊百分比是总数的三倍。尽管与保护区外的湖泊相比,保护区内的湖泊的人为压力上升幅度较小,但有许多例外情况,特别是在热带地区。为了保护人类压力加剧地区的生物多样性湖泊,重要的是提高保护区的效力并解决推动人类压力上升的社会经济因素。人为压力增加的关键生物多样性区内的湖泊百分比是总数的三倍。尽管与保护区外的湖泊相比,保护区内的湖泊的人为压力上升幅度较小,但有许多例外情况,特别是在热带地区。为了保护人类压力加剧地区的生物多样性湖泊,重要的是提高保护区的效力并解决推动人类压力上升的社会经济因素。
