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Predicting habitat use by the Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi in a warmer world: inferences from the Middle Holocene.
Oecologia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04667-z
Maria Bas 1, 2 , Mónica Salemme 1, 3 , Eleanor Joan Green 4 , Fernando Santiago 1 , Camilla Speller 4, 5 , Myrian Álvarez 1 , Ivan Briz I Godino 1, 6, 7 , Luis Cardona 2

Fish skeletal remains recovered from two archaeological sites dated in the Middle Holocene of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) were analysed to describe habitat use patterns by hake in the past and predict changes in a warmer world. Mitochondrial DNA was successfully extracted and amplified from 42 out of 45 first vertebra from ancient hake and phylogenetic analysis assigned all haplotypes to Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi). According to osteometry, the Argentine hake recovered from the archaeological site were likely adults ranging 37.2-58.1 cm in standard length. C and N stable isotope analysis showed that currently Argentine hake use foraging grounds deeper than those of Patagonian blenny and pink cusk-eel. Argentine hake, however, had a much broader isotopic niche during the Middle Holocene, when a large part of the population foraged much shallower than contemporary pink cusk-eel. The overall evidence suggests the presence of large numbers of Argentine hake onshore Tierra del Fuego during the Middle Holocene, which allowed exploitation by hunter-gatherer-fisher groups devoid of fishing technology. Interestingly, average SST off Tierra del Fuego during the Middle Holocene was higher than currently (11 °C vs 7 °C) and matched SST in the current southernmost onshore spawning aggregations, at latitude 47 °S. This indicates that increasing SST resulting from global warming will likely result into an increased abundance of adult Argentine hake onshore Tierra del Fuego, as during the Middle Holocene. Furthermore, stable isotope ratios from mollusc shells confirmed a much higher marine primary productivity during the Middle Holocene off Tierra del Fuego.


预测在温暖的世界中阿根廷鳕鱼(Merluccius hubbsi)对栖息地的利用:来自中全新世的推论。

对从火地岛中全新世(阿根廷)的两个考古遗址中发现的鱼类骨骼残留物进行了分析,以通过过去的鳕鱼描述栖息地的使用方式,并预测一个温暖世界的变化。线粒体DNA已成功地从古代无须鳕中提取出45个第一椎骨中的42个,并进行了系统发育分析,并将所有单倍型分配给阿根廷无须鳕(Merluccius hubbsi)。根据骨量测定法,从考古现场回收的阿根廷鳕鱼可能是标准长度为37.2-58.1厘米的成年成年人。C和N稳定同位素分析表明,目前阿根廷无须鳕使用的觅食地比巴塔哥尼亚的enny鱼和粉红色的k鱼更深。但是,在全新世中期,阿根廷无须鳕的同位素范围更广,当时大部分人的觅食要比当代的粉红色鳗鱼浅得多。总体证据表明,在全新世中期,在火地岛上有大量阿根廷鳕鱼存在,这使得没有捕捞技术的猎人-捕捞-捕捞者团体可以利用它们。有趣的是,中全新世期间火地岛附近的平均SST高于当前(11°C对7°C),并且与当前最南端陆上产卵集合体中的SST相匹配(纬度为47°S)。这表明全球变暖导致的海温升高,可能会像中全新世时期一样导致火地岛上的阿根廷成年无须鳕数量增加。此外,