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Characteristics of Small‐Scale Gravity Waves in the Arctic Winter Mesosphere
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1029/2019ja027643
Jing Li 1, 2 , Tao Li 2, 3 , Qian Wu 4 , Yihuan Tang 2 , Zhaopeng Wu 1, 3 , Jun Cui 1, 3

Observational data sets in the polar middle atmosphere are extremely valuable for understanding the polar dynamics and coupling between lower and middle atmosphere. Using the long‐term data sets observed with an OH all‐sky imager, a Fabry‐Perot Interferometer at Resolute Bay Observatory, Canada (74.7°N, 94.9°W), Microwave Limb Sounder and reanalysis data, we study the characteristics of small‐scale gravity waves (GWs) with the horizontal wavelength less than 20 km in the Arctic winter mesosphere during 2014–2016. Most GWs propagate nearly against the mesospheric and stratospheric winds, consistent with the wind filtering theory. A small amount (7 of 36 cases) of small‐scale GWs in large regions (area >1/2 of the whole image) propagate nearly westward with slower phase speeds, larger horizontal wavelengths, and longer periods than those in limited regions. We also find that multiple GWs with different propagating directions can sometimes occur simultaneously. This is likely due to different wave sources and/or the ducted region in the atmosphere. The observed small‐scale GWs may also likely be excited in the mesopause region, such as secondary wave generated by primary wave breaking or a result of baroclinic instability processed in the stratosphere and the interaction of planetary waves with the background winds. In addition, almost all of the small‐scale GWs occurred during the strong El Niño and anomalous quasi‐biennial oscillation events in 2015/2016 winter.



极地中间大气层的观测数据集对于理解极地动力学和中低层大气之间的耦合非常有价值。使用在OH全天空成像仪,加拿大坚毅海湾天文台(74.7°N,94.9°W)上的法布里-珀罗干涉仪,长期观测仪和再分析数据观察到的长期数据集,我们研究了小型卫星的特征。 2014-2016年期间,北极冬季中层大气中水平波长小于20 km的重力重力波(GWs)。与风滤理论相一致,大多数GW几乎都会逆着中层和平流层风传播。在大区域(整个图像面积大于1/2的区域)中,少量(36例中的7例)小GW几乎向西传播,相位速度较慢,水平波长较大,并且比有限区域的时间更长。我们还发现,有时具有不同传播方向的多个GW可能同时发生。这可能是由于不同的波源和/或大气中的管道区域造成的。观测到的小规模GWs也可能在更年期区域被激发,例如由一次波破裂产生的二次波或在平流层中处理的斜压不稳定性以及行星波与背景风的相互作用。此外,几乎所有小规模的GWs都发生在2015/2016年冬季的强厄尔尼诺现象和异常的每两年一次的振荡事件中。这可能是由于不同的波源和/或大气中的管道区域造成的。观测到的小规模GWs也可能在更年期区域被激发,例如由一次波破裂产生的二次波或在平流层中处理的斜压不稳定性以及行星波与背景风的相互作用。此外,几乎所有小规模的GWs都发生在2015/2016年冬季的强厄尔尼诺现象和异常的每两年一次的振荡事件中。这可能是由于不同的波源和/或大气中的管道区域造成的。观测到的小规模GWs也可能在更年期区域被激发,例如由一次波破裂产生的二次波或在平流层中处理的斜压不稳定性以及行星波与背景风的相互作用。此外,几乎所有小规模的GWs都发生在2015/2016年冬季的强厄尔尼诺现象和异常的每两年一次的振荡事件中。