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Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) seasonal changes in particulate organic matter and in different life stages of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in response to local and large scale oceanographic variations in north and central Chile
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102342
Leonardo R. Castro , Valeria González , Gabriel Claramunt , Pamela Barrientos , Samuel Soto

Abstract We compared the isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) signals in particulate organic matter (POM), small sized copepods, exogenous feeding larvae, and anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) eggs and adults, in relation to oceanographic characteristics during this species’ reproductive season (late winter – spring, 2016 and 2017) in two spawning zones along the Humboldt Current: northern (Iquique, 20°S) and central Chile (Talcahuano, 36°S). Both zones are subject to wind-driven coastal upwelling (most of the year in Iquique but seasonal in Talcahuano) and differ in freshwater input (higher in winter in Talcahuano and almost null in Iquique). In Talcahuano, lower precipitations and river fluxes occurred in winter 2016 compared with 2017. Our results show that, there are large scale processes that similarly affect the δ13C and δ15N signatures in different locations along the Humboldt Current (coastal upwelling), but also clear seasonal differences in the sources of δ13C and δ15N occur locally at the base of the pelagic trophic webs (POM). The seasonal difference in winter δ13C is largely due to the influx of terrigenous organic carbon into the Talcahuano coast, product of increased river discharges in normal winter years (2017, δ13C POM, winter = −24.78‰ vs spring = −19.16‰). Higher δ15N POM values occurred at the start of the upwelling season in spring in both locations during both years (Iquique 2016, δ15N: winter = 7.80‰ vs. spring = 10.65‰; Iquique 2017: winter = 10.57‰ vs. spring = 14.95‰) (Talcahuano 2016, δ15N: winter = 8.70‰ vs. spring = 9.07‰; Talcahuano 2017: winter = 6.44‰ vs. spring = 9.76‰). In 2017, δ15N values of small copepods and exogenous feeding larvae were also higher in spring than winter, but the δ15N values in adult anchovetas and their eggs were not, suggesting the seasonal differences in δ15N decrease as the trophic position increased. Within seasons, the estimated larval trophic positions were similar across locations (TP = 2.4–2.5) and were lower than those of adults (TP = 3.0–3.4) in Talcahuano in 2017. The overall results suggest that inter-annual and seasonal variations in large scale wind-driven oceanographic processes affect the δ13C and δ15N signatures at the base of the trophic web with different intensities at different locations and thereby induce variation in the isotopic signatures all along the trophic web but with different magnitude between trophic levels.


稳定同位素(δ13C、δ15N)在智利北部和中部的局部和大规模海洋变化对鳀鱼(Engraulis ringens)不同生命阶段颗粒有机质和不同生命阶段的季节性变化

摘要 我们比较了颗粒有机物 (POM)、小型桡足类、外源摄食幼虫和鳀 (Engraulis ringens) 卵和成虫中的同位素 (δ13C, δ15N) 信号与该物种繁殖季节(晚冬季 - 春季,2016 年和 2017 年)在洪堡海流的两个产卵区:北部(伊基克,南纬 20°)和智利中部(塔尔卡瓦诺,南纬 36°)。这两个区域都受风力驱动的沿海上升流的影响(伊基克一年中的大部分时间,但塔尔卡瓦诺是季节性的)并且淡水输入量不同(塔尔卡瓦诺冬季较高,伊基克几乎为零)。在塔尔卡瓦诺,与 2017 年相比,2016 年冬季的降水量和河流通量较低。我们的结果表明,存在类似影响洪堡海流不同位置的 δ13C 和 δ15N 特征的大规模过程(沿海上升流),但 δ13C 和 δ15N 来源的明显季节性差异也发生在远洋营养网 (POM) 底部. 冬季 δ13C 的季节性差异主要是由于陆源有机碳流入塔尔卡瓦诺海岸,这是正常冬季河流流量增加的产物(2017 年,δ13C POM,冬季 = -24.78‰ vs 春季 = -19.16‰)。较高的 δ15N POM 值发生在两个地点的春季上升流季节开始时(Iquique 2016,δ15N:冬季 = 7.80‰ vs. spring = 10.65‰;Iquique 2017:冬季 = 10.57‰ vs. spring = 14.95‰ )(塔尔卡瓦诺 2016,δ15N:冬季 = 8.70‰ 与春季 = 9.07‰;塔尔卡瓦诺 2017:冬季 = 6.44‰ 与春季 = 9.76‰)。2017年,小型桡足类和外源摄食幼虫的δ15N值在春季也高于冬季,而成鱼及其卵的δ15N值则没有,表明δ15N的季节性差异随着营养位置的增加而减小。在季节内,估计的幼虫营养位置在不同地点(TP = 2.4-2.5)相似,并且低于 2017 年 Talcahuano 成虫的营养位置(TP = 3.0-3.4)。总体结果表明,年际和季节变化大规模风力驱动的海洋学过程影响营养网底部的 δ13C 和 δ15N 特征,在不同位置具有不同的强度,从而导致整个营养网的同位素特征发生变化,但在营养级之间具有不同的幅度。春季小桡足类和外源摄食幼虫的δ15N值也高于冬季,而成鱼及其卵的δ15N值则不然,表明δ15N的季节性差异随着营养位置的增加而减小。在季节内,估计的幼虫营养位置在不同地点(TP = 2.4-2.5)相似,并且低于 2017 年 Talcahuano 成虫的营养位置(TP = 3.0-3.4)。总体结果表明,年际和季节变化大规模风力驱动的海洋学过程影响营养网底部的 δ13C 和 δ15N 特征,在不同位置具有不同的强度,从而导致整个营养网的同位素特征发生变化,但在营养级之间具有不同的幅度。春季小桡足类和外源摄食幼虫的δ15N值也高于冬季,而成鱼及其卵的δ15N值则不然,表明δ15N的季节性差异随着营养位置的增加而减小。在季节内,估计的幼虫营养位置在不同地点(TP = 2.4-2.5)相似,并且低于 2017 年 Talcahuano 成虫的营养位置(TP = 3.0-3.4)。总体结果表明,年际和季节变化大规模风力驱动的海洋学过程影响营养网底部的 δ13C 和 δ15N 特征,在不同位置具有不同的强度,从而导致整个营养网的同位素特征发生变化,但在营养级之间具有不同的幅度。但成年凤尾鱼及其卵中的 δ15N 值并非如此,表明 δ15N 的季节性差异随着营养位置的增加而减小。在季节内,估计的幼虫营养位置在不同地点(TP = 2.4-2.5)相似,并且低于 2017 年 Talcahuano 成虫的营养位置(TP = 3.0-3.4)。总体结果表明,年际和季节变化大规模风力驱动的海洋学过程影响营养网底部的 δ13C 和 δ15N 特征,在不同位置具有不同的强度,从而导致整个营养网的同位素特征发生变化,但在营养级之间具有不同的幅度。但成年凤尾鱼及其卵中的 δ15N 值并非如此,表明 δ15N 的季节性差异随着营养位置的增加而减小。在季节内,估计的幼虫营养位置在不同地点(TP = 2.4-2.5)相似,并且低于 2017 年 Talcahuano 成虫的营养位置(TP = 3.0-3.4)。总体结果表明,年际和季节变化大规模风力驱动的海洋学过程影响营养网底部的 δ13C 和 δ15N 特征,在不同位置具有不同的强度,从而导致整个营养网的同位素特征发生变化,但在营养级之间具有不同的幅度。