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Effects of the sea lice bath treatment pharmaceuticals hydrogen peroxide, azamethiphos and deltamethrin on egg-carrying shrimp (Pandalus borealis).
Marine Environmental Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105007
Marianne Frantzen 1 , Jenny Bytingsvik 1 , Luca Tassara 1 , Helena C Reinardy 2 , Gro Harlaug Refseth 1 , Ellie J Watts 1 , Anita Evenset 3

This study investigated effects of sea lice pharmaceuticals on egg-bearing deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Both mortality and sub-lethal effects (behavior, embryo development, and reproductive output) were studied for each of three pharmaceuticals alone and in different sequential combinations. The most severe effect was observed for deltamethrin where 2 h exposure to 330 times diluted treatment dose (alone and in sequential application with hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos) induced almost 100% mortality within a few days after exposure. Similar effects were not observed for hydrogen peroxide or azamethiphos. However, sequential treatment of hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos (2 h exposure to each pharmaceutical; 500 times dilution) resulted in >40% mortality during the first week following treatment. No sub-lethal effects or loss of eggs in female shrimp could be related to exposure to the bath treatments. Future studies should investigate potential sub-lethal effects at exposure concentrations close to the no-effect concentration.


海虱浴处理药物过氧化氢,氮杂磷和溴氰菊酯对带蛋虾(Pandalus borealis)的影响。

这项研究调查了海虱药物对产卵深水虾(Pandalus borealis)的影响。分别对三种药物分别以不同的顺序组合研究了死亡率和亚致死作用(行为,胚胎发育和生殖输出)。对于溴氰菊酯,观察到最严重的影响,其中暴露于330倍稀释剂量(单独使用以及与过氧化氢和氮杂甲磷依次应用)中暴露2 h,在暴露后几天内几乎导致100%的死亡率。对于过氧化氢或氮杂甲磷没有观察到类似的效果。但是,过氧化氢和氮杂甲磷的顺序处理(每种药物暴露2小时;稀释500倍)导致在治疗后的第一周内死亡率> 40%。母虾对虾没有亚致死作用或卵损失与暴露于沐浴处理无关。
