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A calibration method for coil constants using an atomic spin self-sustaining vector magnetometer
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.166977
Q. Zhao , B.L. Fan , S.G. Wang , L.J. Wang

Abstract The self-sustaining atomic magnetometer has the advantage of high sensitivity and long spin coherence lifetime, based on which we demonstrate a novel method to calibrate the magnetic coil constants precisely. Via non-destructive phase measurement and coherent optical pumping, the spin polarization of rubidium atoms is regenerated coherently and the Larmor precession signal is oscillating continuously. In this stable state, the calibrating capability is achieved by applying current to coils and scan the magnetic components along x- and y-direction. The magnetic field magnitude is obtained from precession frequency and the coil constants can be derived from the fitting equation directly. The constants of coils in the experiment are 246.010 ± 0.034 nT/mA and 197.452 ± 0.025 nT/mA in the x- and y-directions, respectively.



摘要 自持式原子磁强计具有灵敏度高、自旋相干寿命长等优点,在此基础上我们提出了一种精确校准磁线圈常数的新方法。通过无损相位测量和相干光泵浦,铷原子的自旋极化相干再生,拉莫尔进动信号连续振荡。在这种稳定状态下,校准能力是通过向线圈施加电流并沿 x 和 y 方向扫描磁性组件来实现的。磁场大小是从进动频率获得的,线圈常数可以直接从拟合方程中推导出来。实验中线圈的常数在 x 和 y 方向分别为 246.010 ± 0.034 nT/mA 和 197.452 ± 0.025 nT/mA。