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Discussion of ‘Network cross-validation by edge sampling’
Biometrika ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asaa017
Jinyuan Chang, Eric D Kolaczyk, Qiwei Yao

We thank the authors for their new contribution to network modelling. Data reuse, encompassing methods such as bootstrapping and cross-validation, is an area that to date has largely resisted obvious and rapid development in the network context. One of the major reasons is that mimicking the original sampling mechanisms is challenging if not impossible. To avoid deleting edges and destroying some of the network structure, the resampling strategy proposed in Li et al. (2020) based on splitting node pairs rather than nodes is therefore insightful and effective. Matrix completion is the key technique involved, with its use here providing a new perspective for network analysis.


