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Massage during muscle unloading increases protein turnover in the massaged and non-massaged, contralateral limb, but does not attenuate muscle atrophy.
Acta Physiologica ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13497
Christopher K Kargl 1 , Brian P Sullivan 1 , Timothy P Gavin 1

In the current issue of Acta Physiologica, Lawrence et al1 provide a rigorous investigation into the effects of mechanical massage therapy on skeletal muscle during normal weight bearing (WB) and unloading conditions. One week of hindlimb suspension (HS) in rats was used to determine if massage is an effective therapy to blunt disuse associated muscle loss. Massage therapy increased the muscle protein turnover compared to HS control, though muscle atrophy still occurred following massage and muscle disuse. Interestingly, massage therapy increased muscle protein turnover in the contralateral, non‐messaged limb compared to HS control.

Prolonged periods of muscle disuse occur following bone fractures, surgeries and bed rest; and lead to a rapid loss of muscle mass and a decrease in quality of life.2 Developing therapies for the prevention of muscle atrophy are hindered by the ability of disuse atrophy to cause anabolic resistance independent of other disease states.3 Resistance training methods to counteract disuse‐associated muscle atrophy may not be safe, practical or even effective for patients as hypertrophy and atrophy signalling are not reciprocal.4 Massage, in the form of cyclic compressive loading (CCL), is a potential therapy that can be implemented during and/or following periods of forced muscle disuse as an anabolic stimulus to prevent or reduce muscle atrophy.

Rhythmic or cyclic massage as a therapy has not been well‐studied, however the data that exist are promising. Following exercise‐induced muscle damage in humans, massage therapy attenuated intramuscular inflammatory signalling and triggered an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis pathways.5 Cyclic mechanical compressions have also been shown to enhance muscle regeneration, reduce fibrosis and decrease inflammation following both toxin‐induced muscle injury and hindlimb ischemia in mice.6 A single bout of CCL massage in unperturbed muscle has significant immunomodulatory effects, but is not a strong enough stimulus to alter protein synthesis rates.7, 8 However, multiple bouts of massage during a reloading period do stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth, with a significant cross over effect occurring in the non‐massaged limb. The current study is a natural extension of the group's previous work7, 8 with the goals of determining if massage has an anabolic effect on muscle: (a) under normal, WB activities; (b) during disuse atrophy caused byHS; and (c) of the contralateral limb.

Briefly, rats were randomly assigned into one of four groups, normal WB, WB with massage (WBM), HS for 7 days (HS), or HS for 7 days with massage (HSM). Following euthanasia, the right gastrocnemius was used to investigate the effects of message under WB and HS conditions. Importantly, the non‐messaged, contralateral left limb could be used to investigate potential crossover effects of message in WB and HS (WBM‐L and HSM‐L) conditions. Contrary to the authors’ hypothesis, there were no differences in any measure of muscle mass or protein regulation in the messaged or contralateral muscle under normal, WB conditions.

Massage therapy provides a mechanical stimulus that alters intracellular muscle signalling through mechanotransduction. Integrin receptors transmit mechanical stimuli from the extracellular matrix (ECM) to the muscle cytoskeleton via focal adhesion complexes (FACs). Integrin activation results in focal adhesion kinase (FAK) phosphorylation which in turn triggers the activation of pro‐growth signalling pathways inside the muscle fibre. The present study found no differences in phosphorylation of FAK during HS and HSM compared to WB. While massage was unable to blunt muscle atrophy during HS, massage therapy did generate a robust myofibrillar protein synthesis response suggesting increased myofibrillar protein turnover could maintain or even improve myofibrillar protein quality and muscle function. There were no differences between HS and HSM for myofibrillar protein degradation or cytosolic protein synthesis rates, however massage attenuated the HS induced increase in cytosolic protein degradation. The precise implications of these changes in muscle protein regulation in response to message are unclear. Future work utilizing proteomics could help elucidate the benefits by identifying specific proteins altered by massage.

An unexpected finding of the present study was that the reduction in ribosome content during HS and HSM is a byproduct of increased ribosomal degradation and not a change in ribosome biogenesis. In fact, there were no differences in ribosomal biogenesis between HS and HSM or HS compared to WB. While ribosomal degradation was greater in both HS and HSM compared to WB, the greater ribosomal degradation rate in HS was attenuated in HSM. These data suggest massage is able to stimulate muscle protein and ribosomal turnover during disuse. However, the lack of massage‐induced attenuation of muscle loss suggests either a different massage dosage or massage in combination with other therapeutic interventions would be needed to preserve muscle mass during muscle disuse.

One of the exciting findings of the current study was the strong crossover effect found in the non‐massaged, contralateral limb during muscle unloading conditions. Benefits of CCL massage––improved myofibrillar protein synthesis and decreased cytosolic protein degradation––were replicated in the contralateral limb not receiving massage. This is consistent with earlier work in which multiple bouts of CCL during a regrowth protocol following disuse‐induced muscle atrophy produced a crossover effect in the non‐massaged limb.9 Similar to results during muscle regrowth following disuse, the mechanism responsible for the increase in myofibrillar protein synthesis was different in the non‐massaged limb than it was in the massaged limb. In Lawrence et al,1 the unloaded, contralateral, non‐massaged limb had greater rpS6 phosphorylation and higher ribosomal degradation compared to unloaded control.

Neural adaptations likely participate in the crossover effect, as contralateral changes occur only in the same muscle group receiving the original stimulus.9 However, greater attention is being given to the role of circulating muscle produced factors such as myokines and exosomes acting as endocrine regulators. Intramuscularly injected fluorescent labelled exosomes are found in muscle of the contralateral limb.10 Blood flow‐restricted resistance exercise alters circulating exosomes such that these exosomes are able to enhance S‐phase entry of satellite cells and suggesting that exosomes are capable of mediating local and systemic effects.11 Regardless of the precise mechanism, the crossover effect found in the work from Lawrence et al provides critical insight into treating unilateral muscle pathologies or injuries. A deeper investigation utilizing the models employed in the current work could enhance our understanding of muscle protein regulation.

While well conducted, there are some limitations in the current study. The calculation of protein and RNA changes utilized average changes, yet muscle unloading induced atrophy results in dynamic changes in muscle protein turnover over time.12 Measuring dynamic protein turnover could provide important insight into the optimal dosage and timing of massage to counteract muscle loss. Second, massage therapy may prove selectively beneficial in maintaining muscle mass during unloading in females. The current work studied only male rats, however female rats demonstrate greater soleus mass loss with unloading than male rats.13

In conclusion, the study conducted by Lawrence and colleagues represents a significant step forward in identifying the impact of massage therapy on intramuscular signalling during normal WB conditions and during periods of muscle disuse in mice. The major findings were while 1 week of massage during HS does not abrogate disuse‐induced muscle atrophy; massage does increase myofibrillar protein synthesis, decrease cytosolic protein degradation, and decrease ribosomal degradation as well as cause a strong crossover effect in the contralateral non‐massaged limb. Massage holds promise as an effective therapy to improve protein turnover during periods of muscle disuse. Future work employing different dosages of massage or massage combined with other interventions to attenuate disuse‐associated muscle atrophy could prove insightful and beneficial.









本研究令人兴奋的发现之一是在肌肉卸载状态下未按摩的对侧肢体中发现了强大的交叉效应。CCL按摩的好处-改善了肌原纤维蛋白的合成,减少了胞浆蛋白的降解-在没有接受按摩的对侧肢体中得到了复制。这与早期的工作相吻合,在早期的研究中,停用引起的肌肉萎缩后,在再生过程中多次出现CCL循环,在未按摩的肢体中产生交叉效应。9与停用后肌肉再生长的结果相似,非按摩肢体与按摩肢体引起肌原纤维蛋白合成增加的机制不同。在劳伦斯等人,1 与未加载对照相比,未加载,对侧,未按摩的肢体具有更高的rpS6磷酸化和更高的核糖体降解。



