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Resonance frequency measurement with accuracy and stability at the 10-12 level in a copper microwave cavity below 26 K by experimental optimization
Measurement Science and Technology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ab796e
Haiyang Zhang 1, 2, 3 , Bo Gao 1, 2, 3 , Wenjing Liu 1, 2, 4 , Changzhao Pan 1, 5 , Dongxu Han 1, 6 , Mark Plimmer 5 , Ercang Luo 1, 2, 4 , Laurent Pitre 1, 5

Single pressure refractive index gas thermometry (SPRIGT) is a novel primary thermometry, jointly developed by TIPC of CAS in China and LNE-Cnam in France. To realize a competitive uncertainty of 0.25 mK for thermodynamic temperature measurements, high-stability and low-uncertainty of microwave resonance frequency measurements better than 2 ppb should be achieved. This article describes how to realize high-stability and low-uncertainty of resonance frequency measurements in a copper microwave cavity by experimental optimization methods based on Allan analysis of variance. In this manner, 10-12 level accuracy and stability of microwave resonance frequency measurements were realized with an integration time of 3 hours, which is nearly 20 times better than those without optimization in our previous work (Sci. Bull 2019; 64: 286-288). It has potential applications in gas metrology and other research fields, where high-stability and low-uncertainty microwave measurements are necessary. Besides, microwave measurements were carried out isobarically at pressures of (30, 60, 90, and 120) kPa over the temperature range of (5 to 26) K, with good microwave mode consistency for the determined thermodynamic temperatures. These will provide strong support for the success of the implementation of SPRIGT in China.