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Ratio-independent prey preferences by an estuarine mysid
Journal of Plankton Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbaa024
P William Froneman 1 , Ross N Cuthbert 1

The present study quantified prey preferences by adult males and females of the mysid Mesopodopsis wooldridgei fed the calanoid copepods Pseudodiaptomus hessei and Paracartia longipatella at varying proportions. Both sexes of M. wooldridgei showed a lack of prey switching and a strong preference for the smaller, less active P. longipatella irrespective of density. Given a lack of low-density prey refuge, this finding may have important implications for the distribution of P. longipatella in estuaries along the eastern seaboard of South Africa. Results of the present study contribute to a growing body of literature that suggests that selective predation may play an important role in structuring plankton prey populations in shallow water ecosystems.



本研究量化了以不同比例喂食了an足类pe足类动物Pseudodiaptomus hesseiParacartia longipatella的成年中型拟南芥Mesopodopsis wooldridgei的成年雄性和雌性的猎物偏好。毛氏支原体的两个性别表现出猎物转换的缺乏,并且无论密度如何,都倾向于选择较小的,活动性较弱的长假单胞菌。由于缺乏低密度的猎物庇护所,这一发现可能对长假疟原虫的分布具有重要意义在南非东部沿海的河口。本研究的结果为越来越多的文献做出了贡献,这些文献表明选择性捕食可能在构造浅水生态系统中的浮游生物猎物种群方面发挥重要作用。