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Effects of a high-fibre and low-starch diet in growth performance, carcass and meat quality of young Alentejana breed bulls.
Meat Science ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108191
José Santos-Silva 1 , Susana P Alves 2 , Alexandra Francisco 1 , Ana Paula Portugal 3 , João Almeida 3 , Letícia Fialho 4 , Eliana Jerónimo 5 , Rui J B Bessa 2

Growth performance, carcass and meat quality of 16 Alentejana bulls fed for 90 days with a conventional cereal-based (Control) or a high-fibre and low-starch (HFLS) diet were studied. The HFLS diet included 20% alfalfa hay, 4.8% soybean oil, 6% soybean hulls, 6% dehydrated citrus and 6% sugar beet pulps in substitution of grain. Ryegrass hay was offered to a maximum of 20% of total intake in both diets. Bulls were individually housed, weighed every 14 days, and feed intake was registered daily. Average daily weight gain, dry matter intake, carcass and most meat quality traits were not affected by the diet (P > .05). Feeding an HFLS diet, therefore, can improve beef fatty acid profiles without negatively impacting animal performance or meat quality.



研究了使用传统的谷物(对照)或高纤维和低淀粉(HFLS)日粮喂养90天的16头阿连特那公牛的生长性能,car体和肉质。HFLS饮食包括20%的苜蓿干草,4.8%的大豆油,6%的大豆壳,6%的脱水柑橘和6%的甜菜浆代替谷物。两种饮食中提供的黑麦草干草最多占总摄入量的20%。公牛单独饲养,每14天称重,每天记录一次采食量。饮食不影响平均日增重,干物质摄入量,meat体和大多数肉质性状(P  > 0.05)。因此,饲喂HFLS日粮可以改善牛肉的脂肪酸状况,而不会对动物的生产性能或肉质造成负面影响。
