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Benthic invertebrate communities of lakes in the Polar Ural Mountains (Russia)
Polar Biology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02677-4
Olga A. Loskutova

As in many Arctic regions, the fauna and biodiversity of Polar Ural lakes are not widely known. However, the fauna of these northern, relatively pristine lakes has recently become threatened due to industrial development in the Arctic. In this study, the zoobenthos of 13 relatively large lakes and 9 small ponds was studied during the summer (July and August) from 2003 to 2013. The aim was to conduct a taxonomic inventory of benthic communities in the Polar Ural lakes by combining available literature data with new information about the species composition of the zoobenthos. The lowest diversity and abundance values were found in cold deep lakes with large boulders and little algal growth, whilst the highest values were found in lakes with well-developed aquatic and riparian vegetation. In the littoral zone, Crustacea (Harpacticoida, Cyclopoida, and Cladocera) were the most abundant group, followed by Chironomidae, Nematoda, and Oligochaeta. Insects such as Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Coleoptera accounted for only 4% of the total abundance. In the profundal zone, Chironomidae larvae and Crustacea were numerically dominant, and the share of Ostracoda was much higher than that in the littoral zone. Overall, a total of 208 invertebrate taxa (including 160 species) were recorded. The most diverse groups were Oligochaeta (43 taxa), Crustacea (36), Trichoptera (25), Mollusca (28), and Chironomidae (22). In the future, the faunas of these Arctic lakes can be used as indicators of regional and global climatic changes and in investigations of the adaptation of aquatic invertebrates to extreme environments.



与许多北极地区一样,极地乌拉尔湖的动物群和生物多样性并不广为人知。然而,由于北极的工业发展,这些北部相对原始湖泊的动物群最近受到威胁。本研究于 2003 年至 2013 年夏季(7 月和 8 月)对 13 个较大湖泊和 9 个小池塘的底栖动物进行了研究。目的是结合现有文献对极地乌拉尔湖底栖群落进行分类清查。包含有关底栖动物物种组成的新信息的数据。多样性和丰度值最低的是冰冷的深湖,巨石大而藻类生长很少,而水生和河岸植被发育良好的湖泊则最高。在沿海地区,甲壳纲(Harpacticoida、Cyclopoida、枝角目)是最丰富的类群,其次是摇蚊科、线虫纲和寡毛纲。昆虫,如鳞翅目、毛翅目和鞘翅目,仅占总丰度的 4%。在深海区,摇蚊科幼虫和甲壳纲数量上占优势,介形纲的份额远高于沿海地区。总共记录了 208 个无脊椎动物类群(包括 160 种)。最多样化的群体是寡毛纲(43 个分类群)、甲壳纲(36 个)、毛翅目(25 个)、软体动物(28 个)和摇蚊科(22 个)。未来,这些北极湖泊的动物群可用作区域和全球气候变化的指标,以及研究水生无脊椎动物对极端环境的适应性。和寡毛纲。昆虫,如鳞翅目、毛翅目和鞘翅目,仅占总丰度的 4%。在深海区,摇蚊科幼虫和甲壳纲数量上占优势,介形纲的份额远高于沿海地区。总共记录了 208 个无脊椎动物类群(包括 160 种)。最多样化的群体是寡毛纲(43 个分类群)、甲壳纲(36 个)、毛翅目(25 个)、软体动物(28 个)和摇蚊科(22 个)。未来,这些北极湖泊的动物群可用作区域和全球气候变化的指标,以及研究水生无脊椎动物对极端环境的适应性。和寡毛纲。昆虫,如鳞翅目、毛翅目和鞘翅目,仅占总丰度的 4%。在深海区,摇蚊科幼虫和甲壳纲数量上占优势,介形纲的份额远高于沿海地区。总共记录了 208 个无脊椎动物类群(包括 160 种)。最多样化的群体是寡毛纲(43 个分类群)、甲壳纲(36 个)、毛翅目(25 个)、软体动物(28 个)和摇蚊科(22 个)。未来,这些北极湖泊的动物群可用作区域和全球气候变化的指标,以及研究水生无脊椎动物对极端环境的适应性。摇蚊科幼虫和甲壳纲在数量上占优势,介形纲的份额远高于沿海地区。总共记录了 208 个无脊椎动物类群(包括 160 种)。最多样化的群体是寡毛纲(43 个分类群)、甲壳纲(36 个)、毛翅目(25 个)、软体动物(28 个)和摇蚊科(22 个)。未来,这些北极湖泊的动物群可用作区域和全球气候变化的指标,以及研究水生无脊椎动物对极端环境的适应性。摇蚊科幼虫和甲壳纲在数量上占优势,介形纲的份额远高于沿海地区。总共记录了 208 个无脊椎动物类群(包括 160 种)。最多样化的群体是寡毛纲(43 个分类群)、甲壳纲(36 个)、毛翅目(25 个)、软体动物(28 个)和摇蚊科(22 个)。未来,这些北极湖泊的动物群可用作区域和全球气候变化的指标,以及研究水生无脊椎动物对极端环境的适应性。