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Narrow oviposition preference of an insect herbivore risks survival under conditions of severe drought
Functional Ecology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13587
Ana L. Salgado 1 , Michelle F. DiLeo 1 , Marjo Saastamoinen 1, 2

  1. Understanding species' habitat preferences are crucial to predict organisms' responses to the current climate crisis. In many insects, maternal habitat selection for oviposition essentially determines offspring performance. Whether future changes in climatic conditions may generate mismatches between oviposition preference and offspring performance, when mothers continue to prefer microhabitats that might threaten offspring survival, is an open question.
  2. To address this gap, we tested if oviposition preferences of the Glanville fritillary butterfly Melitaea cinxia females put offspring at risk when plants are under drought stress conditions. Mainly, we focus on identifying the microhabitat determinants for oviposition and the variation of conditions experienced by the sessile offspring, using field observations from 12 populations collected over 2015–2018. These data are combined with 10 years of larval nest and precipitation data to understand within‐population patterns of habitat selection. We tested whether the preferred microhabitats maximized the extended larval performance (i.e. overwinter survival).
  3. We found that females preferentially oviposited in microhabitats with higher host plant abundance and higher proportion of host plants with signs of drought stress. In most years, larval nests had higher survival in these drought‐stressed microhabitats. However, in an extremely dry year, only two nests survived over the summer.
  4. Our results highlight that a failure to shift habitat preference under extreme climate conditions may have drastic consequences for the survival of natural populations under changing climatic conditions.



  1. 了解物种的栖息地偏好对于预测生物体对当前气候危机的反应至关重要。在许多昆虫中,产卵的产地选择基本上决定了后代的表现。当母亲继续偏爱可能威胁后代生存的微生境时,未来气候条件的变化是否会在产卵偏好和后代表现之间产生失配是一个悬而未决的问题。
  2. 为了解决这一差距,我们测试了当植物处于干旱胁迫条件下时,Glanville贝母蝴蝶梅利西亚杏的雌性产卵后代是否会冒着后代的危险。主要地,我们使用从2015-2018年收集的12个种群的实地观察,着眼于确定产卵的微生境决定因素和无柄后代经历的条件变化。这些数据与10年的幼虫巢和降水数据相结合,以了解生境选择的种群内模式。我们测试了首选的微生境是否最大化了幼虫的扩展性能(即越冬生存)。
  3. 我们发现雌性优先在具有较高寄主植物丰度和较高比例的具有干旱胁迫迹象的寄主植物的微生境中产卵。在大多数年份中,这些干旱胁迫的微生境中的幼虫巢生存率更高。但是,在极其干燥的一年中,整个夏天仅存活了两个巢。
  4. 我们的结果表明,在极端气候条件下未能改变栖息地的偏好可能会对气候条件不断变化的自然种群的生存产生巨大影响。