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HLA study in Bolivian Quechua Amerindians from Titikaka Lake Area.
Human Immunology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2020.05.002
Antonio Arnaiz-Villena 1 , Ignacio Juarez 1 , Adrian Lopez-Nares 1 , Estefania Crespo-Yuste 1 , Alvaro Callado 1 , Fabio Suarez-Trujillo 1

Quechua Amerindians established Inca Empire and chose Cuzco as their capital. Their language is closely related to that of Aymara ethnic group and both of them were originated from Titikaka Lake Altiplano area. In the present study we have analyzed Bolivian Quechua HLA profile and found that it has common characters with other Andean and Pacific Amerindians (Uros, Aymaras, Lamas, Mapuches, Athabascan), and Pacific Islanders, including Easter Islanders: relatively high frequency of HLA-A*24 (:02), class II haplotypes DRB1*08:02-DQB1*04:02, and DRB1*04:03-DQB1* 03:02. Titikaka Lake area prehistoric populations: Quechua, Aymaras and Uros are closely related according to HLA Nei DA genetic distances and other HLA traits: they built up Tiwanaku culture, which resembles that of Easter Island (i.e.: similar giant heads); later, Quechuas also moved to Cuzco. This genetic reletedness together with Easter Island and Titikaka Lake Tiwanaku (Bolivia, Peru) cultural common similarities support a prehistoric Pacific people/Amerindians gene flow.



盖丘亚美洲印第安人建立了印加帝国,并选择库斯科作为首都。他们的语言与艾马拉族人的语言密切相关,并且都起源于蒂蒂卡卡湖高原地区。在本研究中,我们分析了玻利维亚的Quechua HLA概况,发现它与其他安第斯和太平洋美洲印第安人(Uros,Aymaras,Lamas,Mapuches,Athabascan)和太平洋岛民(包括复活节岛民)具有相同的特征:HLA- A * 24(:02),II类单倍型DRB1 * 08:02-DQB1 * 04:02和DRB1 * 04:03-DQB1 * 03:02。蒂蒂卡卡湖地区的史前种群:根据HLA Nei DA遗传距离和其他HLA特征,盖丘亚族,艾马拉族和乌罗斯族密切相关:它们建立了蒂瓦纳库族文化,类似于复活节岛的文化(即类似的巨头)。后来,盖丘亚斯人也搬到了库斯科。这种遗传多样性与复活节岛和蒂蒂卡卡蒂瓦纳库湖(秘鲁玻利维亚)的文化共通性共同支持了史前太平洋人/美洲印第安人的基因流动。
