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Artificial life properties of directed interaction combinators vs. chemlambda
arXiv - CS - Emerging Technologies Pub Date : 2020-05-12 , DOI: arxiv-2005.06060
M. Buliga

We provide a framework for experimentation at https://mbuliga.github.io/quinegraphs/ic-vs-chem.html#icvschem with two artificial chemistries: directed interaction combinators (dirIC, defined in section 2) and chemlambda. We are interested if these chemistries allow for artificial life behaviour: replication, metabolism and death. The main conclusion of these experiments is that graph rewrites systems which allow conflicting rewrites are better than those which don't, as concerns their artificial life properties. This is in contradiction with the search for good graph rewrite systems for decentralized computing, where non-conflicting graph rewrite systems are historically preferred. This continues the artificial chemistry experiments with chemlambda, lambda calculus or interaction combinators, available from the entry page at https://chemlambda.github.io/index.html and described in arXiv:2003.14332.


定向相互作用组合器与 chemlambda 的人工生命特性

我们在 https://mbuliga.github.io/quinegraphs/ic-vs-chem.html#icvschem 上提供了一个实验框架,其中包含两种人工化学物质:定向相互作用组合器(dirIC,在第 2 节中定义)和 chemlambda。我们感兴趣的是这些化学物质是否允许人工生命行为:复制、新陈代谢和死亡。这些实验的主要结论是,允许冲突重写的图重写系统比不允许冲突重写的系统要好,这与它们的人工生命属性有关。这与为分散计算寻找良好的图重写系统相矛盾,在历史上,非冲突的图重写系统是首选。这将继续使用 chemlambda、lambda 演算或相互作用组合子进行人工化学实验,可从 https 的入口页面获得: