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Employing the technology acceptance model in social media: A systematic review
Education and Information Technologies ( IF 3.666 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10639-020-10197-1
Noor Al-Qaysi , Norhisham Mohamad-Nordin , Mostafa Al-Emran

A number of systematic reviews were conducted with respect to social media on the one hand, and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) application, on the other hand. However, analyzing the TAM in social media context is still questioned and requires further examination. The main objective of this systematic review is to analyze the up-to-date social media studies that involved the TAM as the primary theoretical model. In that, 57 research articles ranged between 2009 and 2018 were critically analyzed. The main research findings indicated that studying social media adoption and usage among students was the most frequent research problem tackled. Additionally, the majority of the analyzed studies have been extended with external factors. It was also revealed that perceived enjoyment, subjective norm, self-efficacy, perceived critical mass, perceived connectedness, perceived security, and perceived trust were the most frequent factors that significantly extended the TAM. Besides, questionnaire surveys were found to be the most commonly used methods for data collection. In addition, the majority of the analyzed studies were conducted in higher education environments. Furthermore, Facebook was found to be the most common social media tool used in most of the analyzed studies. To that end, the results of this systematic review afford a better understanding of the TAM-based social media studies and form an essential reference for future research in the social media context.



