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Sharp‐tailed Grouse in the Nebraska Sandhills Select Residual Cover Patches for Nest Sites
Wildlife Society Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1091
William L. Vodehnal 1 , Gregory L. Schenbeck 2 , Daniel W. Uresk 3

We evaluated selection and availability of residual cover (dead standing herbage) by sharp‐tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus) at time of nest‐site selection in an intact and annually grazed grassland. We used radiotelemetry in 1988–1990 to locate 147 nests in the sandhills of Nebraska, USA, and classified 121 as initial nests and 26 as renests. We used visual obstruction readings (VOR) to measure the height and density of residual cover at nests and 373 landscape‐scale transects around leks (trap sites). We excluded 77 nests from vegetation analysis because green herbage or early livestock grazing compromised residual cover measurements. Most females selected nest sites with residual cover, mostly warm‐season grasses, taller and denser than surrounding vegetation. Visual obstruction readings at 70 nests (urn:x-wiley:19385463:media:wsb1091:wsb1091-math-0001 = 7.1 cm, SE = 0.4, range = 1.0–19.0) averaged almost twice the VOR of residual cover within 12 m of nests (urn:x-wiley:19385463:media:wsb1091:wsb1091-math-0002 = 4.0 cm, SE = 0.3, range = 0.9–11.8) and almost three times the landscape VOR (urn:x-wiley:19385463:media:wsb1091:wsb1091-math-0003 = 2.5 cm, SE = 0.1, range = 0.5–7.9). As further evidence of the importance of residual cover, >52% (n > 37) of the females (initial nests) in 1988 and 1989 completed egg‐laying and were incubating before green herbage began contributing to nest cover. More than 88% (n > 42) of the females relied on residual cover through egg‐laying in 1990 when annual drought delayed foliar development. Interested ranchers and land managers can enhance residual cover through livestock grazing management to attract females and presumably increase nest density, a key component of annual sharp‐tailed grouse productivity. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.



我们评估了尖尾松鸡(Tympanuchus phasianellus)的残留覆盖物(枯草)的选择和可用性),在一个完整且每年放牧的草原上选择巢穴时。我们在1988–1990年使用无线电遥测技术在美国内布拉斯加州的沙丘中找到了147个巢,将121个巢归为初始巢,将26个归巢。我们使用视觉障碍物读数(VOR)来测量巢穴和韭菜(诱捕点)周围373个横向尺度样点处的残留覆盖物的高度和密度。我们从植被分析中排除了77个巢穴,因为绿色草料或早期牲畜放牧影响了残留覆盖物的测量。大多数雌性选择的巢穴带有残留的覆盖物,多数是暖季草,比周围的植被高而密。在70个巢中的视觉障碍物读数(:x-wiley:19385463:media:wsb1091:wsb1091-math-0001 = 7.1厘米,SE = 0.4,范围= 1.0–19.0)几乎平均是巢12 m内残留覆盖物的VOR的两倍(骨灰盒:x-wiley:19385463:media:wsb1091:wsb1091-math-0002 = 4.0厘米,SE = 0.3,范围= 0.9-11.8),几乎是景观VOR的三倍(骨灰盒:x-wiley:19385463:media:wsb1091:wsb1091-math-0003 = 2.5厘米,SE = 0.1,范围= 0.5-7.9)。作为残留覆盖物重要性的进一步证据, 1988年和1989年,> 52%(n > 37)的雌性(初始巢)完成了产卵,并在绿色草开始形成巢之前孵化。1990年,每年的干旱推迟了叶的发育,超过88%(n  > 42)的雌性依靠产卵来掩盖残留物。有兴趣的牧场主和土地管理者可以通过牲畜放牧管理来增加残留覆盖率,以吸引雌性,并大概增加巢密度,这是每年尖尾松鸡生产力的关键组成部分。©2020野生动物协会。