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Rice cultivation in Italy under the threat of climatic change: Trends, technologies and research gaps
Irrigation and Drainage ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ird.2472
Marco Arcieri 1 , Graziano Ghinassi 1

Italy is the largest rice‐producing country in the European Union: more than two‐thirds of Europe's rice with about 60% of the national production exported, mainly to Mediterranean countries and Eastern Europe. Rice production started around the middle of the fifteenth century, influencing Italian distinguished cuisine. Specialized cultivation is higly skilled and accounts for 70–80% of the global rice farming surface. The crop is grown from April to October and extends over about 240 000 ha (1.4% of the total arable area of the country). The expected production is approximately 1.4 million tonnes (MT) of paddy rice; average yield is about 6 t ha¯¹, 85% of the surface being cropped with Japonica‐type varieties, the rest with Thaibonnet. In last 20 years, the cultivation area has increased by about 20%, making Italy an important rice‐exporting country, as the volume of exports reached 5% of total rice traded in the world and domestic consumption hardly exceeds 40% of total production. The main constraints in Italy are low temperature (at sowing and flowering time), diseases, weeds and red rice. Recent research has proved that the possibility exists to increase potential yield by means of varietal improvement, with emphasis on disease and lodging resistance, and better low‐temperature and dry‐conditions adaptability. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



意大利是欧盟最大的大米生产国:欧洲大米的三分之二以上,约占该国总产量的60%,主要销往地中海国家和东欧。大米的生产始于15世纪中叶,影响了意大利的美食。专业耕种技术高超,占全球水稻种植面积的70-80%。该作物从4月到10月种植,面积超过24万公顷(占该国总耕地面积的1.4%)。预计水稻产量约为140万吨;平均产量约为6吨公顷,其中85%的面积种植了型品种,其余的则用Thaibonnet种植。在过去的20年中,种植面积增加了约20%,使意大利成为重要的大米出口国,因为出口量已占世界大米总贸易量的5%,国内消费几乎不超过总产量的40%。意大利的主要限制因素是低温(播种和开花期),疾病,杂草和红米。最近的研究证明,有可能通过品种改良来提高潜在产量,重点在于抗病和抗倒伏性,以及更好的低温和干旱适应性。分级为4 +©2020 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.