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Survival of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in weeds
Plant Pathology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13206
Daniele M. Nascimento 1 , Letícia R. Oliveira 1 , Luana L. Melo 1 , João C. Silva 1 , José M. Soman 1 , Karine T. Girotto 1 , Renan P. Eburneo 2 , Marcos R. Ribeiro‐Junior 1 , Maria M. P. Sartori 3 , Tadeu A. F. Silva Júnior 1 , Antonio C. Maringoni 1

Weeds are important alternative hosts of pathogens, responsible for the survival and spread of phytopathogenic bacteria. Our study evaluated the potential of weeds as hosts of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff), causal agent of bacterial wilt, one of the main diseases of common beans. Cff survival was evaluated in the phyllosphere and in the rhizosphere of 21 weeds, in four experiments under field conditions, during the years 2018 and 2019. The aerial part of the plant was inoculated by spraying bacterial suspension (107 cfu/ml) of Cff, while the soil of the growing pots was infested with the same suspension. Cff survival was evaluated every 7 days, for 70 days. The identity of the bacterium was confirmed by PCR with the specific primers CffFOR2 and CffREV4, from strains recovered from all samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that high temperatures and rainfall reduced Cff survival in the phyllosphere, while high temperatures reduced the survival of the bacterium in the rhizosphere. Our results demonstrated that Amaranthus viridis (family Amaranthaceae), Conyza bonariensis, Emilia fosbergii, Galinsoga parviflora, Gnaphalium purpureum (Asteraceae), Raphanus sativus, Lepidium virginicum (Brassicaceae), Commelina benghalensis (Commelinaceae), Ipomoea triloba (Convolvulaceae), Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae), Senna obtusifolia (Fabaceae), Digitaria insularis (Poaceae), Nicandra physalodes, and Solanum americanum (Solanaceae) are potential hosts for Cff. Their eradication in common bean fields is recommended, especially in fields with a history of bacterial wilt occurrence.


flaccumfaciens pv。的生存。杂草中的黄芪

杂草是病原体的重要替代寄主,负责植物致病细菌的生存和传播。我们的研究评估了杂草作为黄杆菌弯曲杆菌宿主的潜力。flaccumfaciens(CFF),青枯病的致病剂,共同豆的主要疾病之一。在2018年和2019年的四个田间条件下的实验中,评估了21种杂草的叶根和根际的Cff存活率。通过喷雾细菌悬液接种植物的空中部分(10 7 cfu / ml)Cff,而同一个悬浮液则感染了生长盆中的土壤。每7天评估一次Cff存活,持续70天。通过使用特异性引物CffFOR2和CffREV4的PCR,从所有样品中回收的菌株,确认了细菌的身份。主成分分析(PCA)表明,高温和降雨会降低叶序中Cff的存活率,而高温会降低根际中细菌的存活率。我们的研究结果表明,绿苋(家庭苋),野塘bonariensis缨绒花牛膝菊鼠曲草(菊科),萝卜北美独行菜(十字花科),火柴头(鸭跖草科),三裂叶薯(旋),(莎草科),决明(蝶形花科),马唐insularis(禾本科),假酸physalodes,和光果龙葵(茄科)是用于CFF潜在主机。建议在普通豆田中将其根除,特别是在有细菌性青枯病发生史的田地中。