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Global missions and the critical needs of food science and technology
Trends in Food Science & Technology ( IF 15.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2020.04.009
Peter Lillford , Anne-Marie Hermansson


Achievement of many Sustainable Development Goals has a critical reliance on the food chain at both a global and local level. The future contribution of the biological sciences to agriculture and human health has been widely recognised, but the enabling science and engineering underpinning food manufacturing and distribution has not been so thoroughly examined.

Scope and approach

The challenges confronting Food Science and Technology are considered from a global perspective and routes to their solutions are expressed as Mission Statements requiring multidisciplinary collaboration. These encompass the introduction of novel raw materials; changes in Manufacturing, including process and systems engineering; waste reduction and product safety and traceability. Approaches to better health via improved diets are presented, including “Hidden Hunger” and affordable foods for the poor as well as the increasing role of advanced digital technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Key findings and conclusions

Our analysis demonstrates that FS&T is a crucial knowledge base that will allow advances in Primary Production to be sustainably converted to better control of Health through Diet. The missions involve new greater interdisciplinary collaboration, and require development of new measurement science. The need for continuing investment in food science and technology is global, but its application will require different approaches in local regions. It is vital that continuous education and training is increased by both public and private sector investment. Consumers must also be engaged to increase their awareness of new technologies and their consequent benefits to food supply and healthier diets.






从全球角度考虑了食品科学和技术面临的挑战,解决方案的途径表达为需要多学科合作的使命宣言。这些包括引进新颖的原材料; 制造方面的变化,包括过程和系统工程;减少废物,提高产品安全性和可追溯性。提出了通过改善饮食来改善健康的方法,包括“隐藏的饥饿”和穷人可负担的食物,以及诸如机器学习和人工智能之类的先进数字技术的作用日益增强。


