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Analysis of curtailment at The Geysers geothermal Field, California
Geothermics ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101871
Patrick Dobson , Dipankar Dwivedi , Dev Millstein , Nandini Krishnaswamy , Julio Garcia , Mariam Kiran

Author(s): Dobson, P; Dwivedi, D; Millstein, D; Krishnaswamy, N; Garcia, J; Kiran, M | Abstract: © 2020 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (manual version of copyright notice completed and submitted) Geothermal energy has traditionally been viewed as a baseload energy source, but the rapid growth of intermittent renewable energy has led to a need for more flexibility in power generation to avoid mandatory curtailment imposed by grid operators. This study of curtailment at The Geysers provides insights into the magnitude, duration, frequency, temporal and spatial distribution, and potential causes of curtailment events between 2013 and 2018. Annual levels of curtailment range during this period from 9 to 47 GW h, representing 0.15 to 0.81 % of the net generation. Most curtailments occurred at the power plants connected to a lower capacity transmission line and may result from transmission constriction. There is a clear link between negative pricing and economic curtailment, especially when solar production is higher. Economic curtailment events tend to be only a few hours and vary in magnitude up to almost 300 MW, whereas transmission-related curtailment events can be up to several weeks in duration. It is likely that curtailment of geothermal power will be an increasing concern, and could be mitigated by flexible generation strategies and increases in energy storage. It is critical to know the nature of curtailment events so that flexible generation options can be assessed properly.



作者:多布森,P;德维迪,D;米尔斯坦,D;克里希纳斯瓦米,N;加西亚,J;基兰,男 | 摘要:© 2020 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(已完成并提交版权声明的手动版本) 地热能传统上被视为基荷能源,但间歇性可再生能源的快速增长导致需要在发电方面具有更大的灵活性以避免电网运营商强制限电。这项对间歇泉的限电研究深入了解了 2013 年至 2018 年限电事件的幅度、持续时间、频率、时间和空间分布以及潜在原因。在此期间的年度限电水平范围为 9 至 47 GW h,代表 0.15到净发电量的 0.81%。大多数限电发生在连接到较低容量输电线路的发电厂,并且可能是由于输电收缩造成的。负定价与经济限电之间存在明显联系,尤其是在太阳能产量较高的情况下。经济限电事件往往只有几个小时,并且大小不一,高达近 300 兆瓦,而与输电相关的限电事件可能持续数周。地热发电的削减可能会越来越受到关注,并且可以通过灵活的发电策略和增加能源储存来缓解。了解限电事件的性质至关重要,这样才能正确评估灵活的发电选项。负定价与经济限电之间存在明显联系,尤其是在太阳能产量较高的情况下。经济限电事件往往只持续几个小时,大小不一,高达近 300 兆瓦,而与输电相关的限电事件可能持续数周。地热发电的削减可能会越来越受到关注,并且可以通过灵活的发电策略和增加能源储存来缓解。了解限电事件的性质至关重要,这样才能正确评估灵活的发电选项。负定价与经济限电之间存在明显联系,尤其是在太阳能产量较高的情况下。经济限电事件往往只有几个小时,并且大小不一,高达近 300 兆瓦,而与输电相关的限电事件可能持续数周。地热发电的削减可能会越来越受到关注,并且可以通过灵活的发电策略和增加能源储存来缓解。了解限电事件的性质至关重要,这样才能正确评估灵活的发电选项。地热发电的削减可能会越来越受到关注,并且可以通过灵活的发电策略和增加能源储存来缓解。了解限电事件的性质至关重要,这样才能正确评估灵活的发电选项。地热发电的削减可能会越来越受到关注,并且可以通过灵活的发电策略和增加能源储存来缓解。了解限电事件的性质至关重要,这样才能正确评估灵活的发电选项。