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Does Conditioned Reinforcement Play a Role in Procrastination: A Pigeon Model
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104139
Thomas R Zentall 1

The traditional view of human procrastination is that engaging in an aversive task will be avoided until the anxiety associated with the consequences of missing the deadline exceeds the aversiveness of the task. Delay reduction theory suggests that there may be an additional mechanism, conditioned reinforcement associated with completion of the task close to the deadline. The results of several experiments support this hypothesis. First, we found support for the prediction of delay reduction theory that pigeons given equally long concurrent chains, prefer a chain involving a long fixed interval followed by a short fixed interval (followed by reinforcement) over a chain involving a short fixed interval followed by a long fixed interval (followed by reinforcement). In another experiment, to simulate a mildly aversive event, we added a dark gap between the two links in each of the chains and found the same result. Finally, consistent with delay reduction theory and with an analog of human procrastination, in a long box, we found that pigeons preferred to complete a response requirement on a panel closer to the goal (reinforcement) rather than closer to the start. The results of these experiments suggest that procrastination may be supported by conditioned reinforcement associated completion of a task close to the deadline.


