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A Mesocyclone over the Northern Sea of Japan in February 2013
Oceanology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001437019060183
E. Yu. Potalova , T. I. Kleshcheva , M. S. Permyakov


The article considers a particular event in the influence of a mesoscale cyclone (MC) on the northern Sea of Japan on February 10–11, 2013. The passage of the MC was accompanied by a sharp increase in wind to storm conditions, an almost twofold decrease in total heat transport, and a fourfold increase in the momentum flux. Perturbations of the hydrological characteristics in the wake of the MC estimated from data of two Argo floats were traced to a depth of 300 m off the west coast of Hokkaido and up to ~100 m in the deep-water region, caused by the difference in the background stability of the vertical structures. Several estimates of the contribution of various factors to the observed variability of the upper sea layer are given.




本文考虑了中尺度气旋(MC)在2013年2月10日至11日对日本北海的影响中的一个特殊事件。MC的通过伴随着风向风暴条件的急剧增加,几乎是原来的两倍总传热减少,动量通量增加四倍。根据两个Argo浮标的数据估算的MC后水文特征的扰动可追溯到北海道西海岸300 m处的深度,深水区域中约100 m的深度,这是由于两者之间的差异引起的。垂直结构的背景稳定性。给出了各种因素对观测到的上层海面变化的贡献的一些估计。