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On the Origin of Optical Radiation during the Impulsive Phase of Flares on dMe Stars. I. Discussion of Gas Dynamic Models
Astrophysics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10511-020-09617-4
E. S. Morchenko

In connection with a published critique, the author justifies the use of a motionless homogeneous plane layer of pure hydrogen plasma that is near local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) for analyzing the characteristics of the radiation from a chromospheric condensation of thickness ∆ z =10 km in a gas dynamic model of stellar flares. It is shown that the shock-wave model of flares proposed by Belova and Bychkov, as opposed to the model of Kostyuk and Pikel’ner, has irremovable internal defects owing to exclusion of the interaction between a thermal wave (temperature jump) and a non-stationary radiative shock. In particular, this model (a) does not make it possible to increase the geometric thickness of a chromospheric condensation owing to divergence of the fronts of the thermal and shock waves during impulsive heating, (b) cannot provide heating of the chromospheres of red dwarfs over significant distances, and (c) predicts Hα line profiles in conflict with observational data. It is argued that: (a) the shock-wave model of Belova and Bychkov represents a development of the kinematic model of solar flares (Nakagawa et al.) and its application to dMe stars, specifically, a study of the radiative response of the chromosphere of a red dwarf to impulsive heating in the simplest gas dynamic statement of the problem (a thermal wave is excluded; a stationary approach is used); (b) in terms of the Kostyuk and Pikel’ner model, the regions behind the stationary shock fronts do not correspond to a chromospheric condensation with time-varying thickness but to zones in which the plasma relaxes to a state of thermal equilibrium. It is emphasized that separation of the Kostyuk and Pikel’ner model into “thermal” and “shock-wave” components is fundamentally impossible.


关于 dMe 恒星耀斑脉冲阶段光辐射的起源。一、气体动力学模型讨论

结合已发表的评论,作者证明使用接近局部热力学平衡 (LTE) 的纯氢等离子体的静止均匀平面层来分析来自厚度为 Δ z = 10 km 的色球冷凝的辐射特性是合理的。恒星耀斑的气体动力学模型。结果表明,与 Kostyuk 和 Pikel'ner 的模型相反,Belova 和 Bychkov 提出的耀斑冲击波模型由于排除了热波(温度跃变)和非热波之间的相互作用而具有不可去除的内部缺陷。 - 固定辐射冲击。特别是,由于在脉冲加热期间热波和冲击波的前沿发散,该模型 (a) 无法增加色球冷凝的几何厚度,(b) 不能提供远距离红矮星色球的加热,并且 (c) 预测的 Hα 线剖面与观测数据相冲突。有人认为: (a) Belova 和 Bychkov 的冲击波模型代表了太阳耀斑运动学模型(Nakagawa 等人)的发展及其在 dMe 恒星中的应用,特别是对太阳耀斑辐射响应的研究。在问题的最简单气体动力学陈述中,红矮星的色球到脉冲加热(不包括热波;使用静止方法);(b) 根据 Kostyuk 和 Pikel'ner 模型,静止激波前沿后面的区域并不对应于具有时变厚度的色球凝结,而是对应于等离子体松弛到热平衡状态的区域。