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Holocene vegetation history and environmental change in the Lăpuş Mountains, northwest Romania
Palynology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-15 , DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2019.1615567
Michael Peters 1 , Arne Friedmann 2 , Philipp Stojakowits 2 , Carola Metzner-Nebelsick 1

ABSTRACT Pollen analysis supported by 25 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates from the Tǎul Negru peat bog (1143 m) in the Lǎpuş Mountains (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) is used to reconstruct the Holocene vegetation history of this mountain region. The vegetation record at Tǎul Negru starts at c. 10,500 cal yr BP with dense montane forests dominated by Picea abies (spruce) and Ulmus (elm). Corylus avellana (hazel) spread after 10,000 cal yr BP and reached maximum frequencies between 9000 and 7000 cal yr BP before decreasing. Thereafter, Picea prevailed in the forests with Carpinus betulus (hornbeam) expanding after 5700 cal yr BP, attaining maximum representation at 4200 cal yr BP. Fagus sylvatica (beech) spread from 4800 cal yr BP onwards with a short decline around 3700 cal yr BP. Mass expansion resumed afterwards, leading to the ultimate recession of Picea, Corylus and Ulmus. Fagus predominates the forests to the present. Small-scale human influence on the landscape (cereal-type pollen grains, Poaceae, and Plantago lanceolata) first appeared after 6000 cal yr BP. Further anthropogenic impact was detected after 5000 cal yr BP, and was slightly stronger between 2300 cal yr BP and the twelfth century AD with regular and increasing appearances of primary and secondary cultural indicators. Large-scale forest clearing in the lowlands and foothills with more agriculture led to the development of the modern cultural landscape in the last 500 years.


罗马尼亚西北部 Lăpuş 山脉的全新世植被历史和环境变化

摘要 25 加速器质谱 (AMS) 14C 支持的花粉分析来自 Lǎpuş 山脉(东喀尔巴阡山脉,罗马尼亚)的 Tǎul Negru 泥炭沼泽(1143 m),用于重建该山区的全新世植被历史。Tǎul Negru 的植被记录始于 c。10,500 cal yr BP,茂密的山地森林以云杉(云杉)和榆树(榆树)为主。Corylus avellana(榛树)在 10,000 cal yr BP 后扩散,并在 9000 cal yr BP 和 7000 cal yr BP 之间达到最大频率,然后下降。此后,云杉在森林中盛行,Carpinus betulus(角树)在 5700 cal BP 后扩张,在 4200 cal BP 时达到最大代表性。Fagus sylvatica(山毛榉)从 4800 cal BP 开始蔓延,在 3700 cal BP 附近短暂下降。之后又恢复了大规模扩张,导致云杉、云杉和榆树最终衰退。Fagus 至今仍统治着森林。人类对景观的小规模影响(谷物型花粉粒、禾本科和车前草)在 6000 cal BP 之后首次出现。在 5000 cal yr BP 之后检测到了进一步的人为影响,并且在 2300 cal yr BP 和公元 12 世纪之间略微增强,主要和次要文化指标的出现有规律且不断增加。近 500 年来,在农业较多的低地和山麓大规模砍伐森林导致了现代文化景观的发展。和 Plantago lanceolata) 在 6000 cal BP 之后首次出现。在 5000 cal yr BP 之后检测到了进一步的人为影响,并且在 2300 cal yr BP 和公元 12 世纪之间略微增强,主要和次要文化指标的出现有规律且不断增加。近 500 年来,在农业较多的低地和山麓大规模砍伐森林导致了现代文化景观的发展。和 Plantago lanceolata) 在 6000 cal BP 之后首次出现。在 5000 cal yr BP 之后检测到了进一步的人为影响,并且在 2300 cal yr BP 和公元 12 世纪之间略微增强,主要和次要文化指标的出现有规律且不断增加。近 500 年来,在农业较多的低地和山麓大规模砍伐森林导致了现代文化景观的发展。