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Drivers of intervention use to protect domestic animals from large carnivore attacks
Human Dimensions of Wildlife ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1731633
Ann Eklund 1, 2 , Maria Johansson 2 , Anders Flykt 3 , Henrik Andrén 1 , Jens Frank 1

ABSTRACT Large carnivores are prioritized in conservation, but their co-occurrence with humans and domestic animals can generate conflict. Interventions preventing carnivore attacks are central to carnivore conservation, but are only effective if implemented. This study investigates drivers of the intention to use interventions among animal owners in Sweden based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, extended with the emotion construct Worry. Additionally, the study includes an explorative analysis investigating the processes behind this worry based on the Appraisal Theory of Emotion. In a survey comprising 1,163 animal owners, the subjective norm is identified as an important driver in the regression model of intended intervention use. Adding Worry to the model increased the amount of explained variance. Worry, in turn was mainly explained by experienced vulnerability among animal owners. This study illustrates how emotion theory can extend TPB to enhance understanding of human behavior, important for future coexistence between humans and wildlife.



摘要 大型食肉动物在保护中被优先考虑,但它们与人类和家畜的共同出现会产生冲突。防止食肉动物袭击的干预措施是食肉动物保护的核心,但只有在实施后才有效。本研究基于计划行为理论,扩展了情绪结构担忧,调查了瑞典动物主人使用干预措施的意图的驱动因素。此外,该研究还包括一项探索性分析,基于情绪评估理论调查这种担忧背后的过程。在一项包括 1,163 名动物主人的调查中,主观规范被确定为预期干预使用回归模型中的重要驱动因素。将 Worry 添加到模型会增加解释方差的数量。担心,反过来,这主要是由于动物主人经历过的脆弱性。这项研究说明了情感理论如何扩展 TPB 以增强对人类行为的理解,这对人类与野生动物的未来共存很重要。