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Response to Olsen’s question of reliability
Emu - Austral Ornithology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2020.1738256
Stuart J. N. Cooney , David M. Watson

The aim of Cooney et al. (2006) was to collate recorded instances of mistletoe nesting among Australian birds. We reviewed nesting accounts and also sought out unpublished records of this behaviour. Unpublished descriptions from experienced ornithologists, naturalists and field workers are important, because they often provided additional information omitted from published records. As Olsen notes, a substantial number of these accounts were provided by Young. Young does not specialize in mistletoe-nesting birds, but three aspects of his contributions are noteworthy. Firstly, Young has spent considerable time in the field, including decades of field-work in regions where little formal ecological research has been conducted. Second, Young was the only source of records which specifically noted birds nesting in fallen mistletoes. Thus, species that nest on the ground, in reeds or within spinifex, occasionally build their nest in mistletoe clumps that have fallen upon their usual substrate. This is specifically noted in Table 1 (Cooney et al. 2006). Third, Young is an exceptional naturalist with considerable expertise in finding nests, as described previously by Hollands (1991). Unexpected observations of mistletoe nesting birds were not confined to his records. The instances of Laughing Kookaburra and Peregrine Falcon nesting in mistletoes were from independent observers (Table 2, Cooney et al. 2006), both of which represent families previously unrecorded exhibiting this behaviour in a global review (Watson 2001). Cooney et al 2006 specifically states that further work is required to assess the significance of these observations and outlines a framework by which this might be undertaken.



Cooney 等人的目标。(2006) 是整理澳大利亚鸟类中槲寄生筑巢的记录实例。我们审查了嵌套帐户,并找出了这种行为的未公开记录。经验丰富的鸟类学家、博物学家和实地工作者的未发表描述很重要,因为他们经常提供已发表记录中遗漏的额外信息。正如奥尔森所指出的,这些帐户中有大量是由杨提供的。杨并不专门研究槲寄生筑巢的鸟类,但他的三个方面的贡献值得注意。首先,杨在该领域花费了大量时间,包括在很少进行正式生态研究的地区进行了数十年的实地工作。其次,Young 是唯一专门记录鸟类在掉落的槲寄生中筑巢的记录来源。因此,筑巢在地面、芦苇中或刺棘中的物种,偶尔会在落在它们通常基质上的槲寄生丛中筑巢。表 1(Cooney 等人,2006 年)中特别指出了这一点。第三,Young 是一位杰出的博物学家,在寻找巢穴方面拥有丰富的专业知识,如 Hollands (1991) 先前所述。对槲寄生筑巢鸟类的意外观察并不仅限于他的记录。笑翠鸟和游隼在槲寄生中筑巢的实例来自独立观察者(表 2,Cooney 等人,2006 年),它们都代表了此前未在全球审查中表现出这种行为的家庭(Watson 2001 年)。