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Understanding the conditions of conservation agriculture adoption in Lango region, Uganda
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2020.1751769
Sara Helen Kaweesa , Hycenth Tim Ndah 1, 2 , Johannes Schuler 1 , Andreas Melcher 3 , Willibald Loiskandl 3


To better understand Conservation Agriculture (CA) adoption in mid-northern Uganda, a successfully tried method, the Qualitative Expert Assessment Tool for CA (QAToCA) was used. QAToCA is an expert-based, qualitative, self-assessment guide for determining the relative likelihood of CA adoption within a site-specific context. The results show that CA adoption in the region is highly probable. The two main reasons farmers adopt CA techniques are the dissemination strategy as well as the provided information about CA. The tool also highlighted that the prevailing volatile climate and market conditions are the main constraints to adopting CA at household level.



为了更好地理解保护性农业(CA)通过在乌干达中北部,一个成功尝试的方法,将Q ualitative专家ssessmentOL的CA(QAToCA)使用。QAToCA是基于专家的定性自我评估指南,用于确定在特定站点范围内采用CA的相对可能性。结果表明,在该地区采用CA的可能性很高。农民采用CA技术的两个主要原因是传播策略以及有关CA的信息。该工具还强调指出,当前动荡的气候和市场条件是在家庭层面采用CA的主要限制因素。
