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A python script for longitudinally measuring the duration of vacant land uses
Journal of Spatial Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2020.1721344
Galen Newman 1 , Youjung Kim 1 , Gunwoo Kim 2 , Ryun Jung Lee 1 , Donghwan Gu 1 , Kaveh Forghanparast 1 , Daniel Goldberg 1


Populating and depopulating cities have some degree of underutilised land. The duration of vacancy, or length of time a property remains unused, more strongly influences urban decline than the amount of vacant land. Assessment of the duration of vacancy is seldom conducted, due to a lack of linking longitudinal data. This research creates and applies a Python script to track the duration of vacancy in Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A, to create a tool that can be utilised by cities with vacant land inventories. The tool can be used globally to prioritise treatment areas for urban regeneration plans.


用于纵向测量空置土地使用持续时间的 python 脚本


人口和人口减少的城市有一定程度的未充分利用的土地。空置的持续时间,或房产未被使用的时间长度,比空置土地的数量对城市衰退的影响更大。由于缺乏相关的纵向数据,很少对空缺持续时间进行评估。本研究创建并应用 Python 脚本来跟踪美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市的空置持续时间,以创建可供拥有空置土地库存的城市使用的工具。该工具可在全球范围内用于优先处理城市更新计划的区域。
