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Franz Joseph Gall on hemispheric symmetries.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1080/0964704x.2020.1732779
Paul Eling 1 , Stanley Finger 2


Franz Joseph Gall believed that the two cerebral hemispheres are anatomically and functionally similar, so much so that one could substitute for the other following unilateral injuries. He presented this belief during the 1790s in his early public lectures in Vienna, when traveling through Europe between 1805 and 1807, and in the two sets of books he published after settling in France. Gall seemed to derive his ideas about laterality independently of French anatomist Marie François Xavier Bichat (1771–1802), who formulated his “law of symmetry” at about the same time. He would, however, later cite Bichat, whose ideas about mental derangement were different from his own and who also attempted to explain handedness, a subject on which Gall remained silent. The concept of cerebral symmetry would be displaced by mounting clinical evidence for the hemispheres being functionally different, but neither Gall nor Bichat would live to witness the advent of the concept of cerebral dominance.


弗朗兹·约瑟夫·加尔(Franz Joseph Gall)研究半球对称性。


弗朗兹·约瑟夫·加仑(Franz Joseph Gall)认为,这两个大脑半球在解剖学和功能上都是相似的,以至于在单方面受伤后,一个大脑可以替代另一个大脑半球。他在1790年代早期的维也纳公开演讲中(1805年至1807年间穿越欧洲)以及在定居法国后出版的两本书中都表达了这种信念。盖尔似乎独立于法国解剖学家玛丽·弗朗索瓦·沙维尔·比沙特(MarieFrançoisXavier Bichat,1771–1802年)提出了他关于横向性的观点,后者同时制定了他的“对称定律”。但是,他后来会引用比沙特(Bichat),他的关于精神错乱的想法与他自己的想法不同,并且他还试图解释惯性,盖尔对此保持沉默。
