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Fungicide efficacy trials for the control of powdery mildew (Podosphaera cerasi) on sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium)
Biocontrol Science and Technology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-22 , DOI: 10.1080/09583157.2020.1755616
Swarnalatha Moparthi 1 , Michael Bradshaw 2

ABSTRACT Powdery mildew is a detrimental foliar disease of sweet cherry trees. The disease is predominantly managed by spraying synthetic fungicides throughout the growing season. The emergence of resistant powdery mildew populations, to some commonly used synthetic fungicides, highlights the need for research into alternative control methods. Between 2012 and 2015, the efficacy of two different biofungicides (Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus) and electrolysed oxidised (EO) water were evaluated to determine if they could be a viable replacement for four commonly used synthetic fungicides (fluopyram/trifloxystrobin, triflumizole, quinoxyfen and myclobutanil) in a greenhouse, nursery and commercial orchard. Electrolysed oxidised water and fluopyram/trifloxystrobin significantly lowered disease severity and incidence in all of the locations tested, however, biweekly applications of EO water had little effect on the fungus and weekly applications were phytotoxic in the nursery and greenhouse. Before EO water is implemented into integrated pest management programmes, the optimal spray frequency needs to be evaluated to eliminate its phytotoxic effects. The biofungicides evaluated in this study had minimal effects on powdery mildew severity and incidence and should not be recommended for control on sweet cherry trees. Currently, synthetic fungicides are the best method for the control of powdery mildew as fluopyram/trifloxystrobin was the only fungicide that was successful in lowering disease incidence and severity over the duration of the powdery mildew epidemic in both the nursery and greenhouse. Future research should evaluate integrated pest management strategies, including additional biofungicides, that could supplement and reduce synthetic fungicide applications.


用于控制甜樱桃树(Prunus avium)上的白粉病(Podosphaera cerasi)的杀菌剂功效试验

【摘要】:白粉病是一种危害甜樱桃树的叶面病害。该病害主要通过在整个生长季节喷洒合成杀菌剂来控制。对一些常用合成杀菌剂的抗性白粉病种群的出现凸显了研究替代控制方法的必要性。2012 年至 2015 年间,对两种不同的生物杀菌剂(枯草芽孢杆菌和短小芽孢杆菌)和电解氧化 (EO) 水的功效进行了评估,以确定它们是否可以替代四种常用的合成杀菌剂(氟吡菌酰胺/嘧菌酯、氟虫腈、喹氧芬)和myclobutanil)在温室、苗圃和商业果园中。在所有测试地点,电解氧化水和氟吡菌酰胺/嘧菌酯显着降低了疾病的严重程度和发病率,然而,每两周使用一次 EO 水对真菌几乎没有影响,每周使用一次对苗圃和温室中的植物有毒。在将 EO 水实施到综合害虫管理计划之前,需要评估最佳喷洒频率以消除其植物毒性影响。本研究中评估的生物杀菌剂对白粉病的严重程度和发病率影响很小,不应推荐用于控制甜樱桃树。现在,合成杀菌剂是控制白粉病的最佳方法,因为氟吡菌酰胺/嘧菌酯是唯一一种在苗圃和温室白粉病流行期间成功降低疾病发生率和严重程度的杀菌剂。未来的研究应该评估综合害虫管理策略,包括额外的生物杀菌剂,可以补充和减少合成杀菌剂的应用。