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New Zealand Entomologist ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00779962.2020.1735711
Ricardo L. Palma 1 , Lawrence J. Paul

Logan C. Hudson died at Paraparaumu, several months after being diagnosed with brain cancer. Logan was a trained professional zoologist, a holistic naturalist, an artist and a keen traveller. Her main interest was in entomology, but she was also knowledgeable about art, horticulture, gardening and the natural environment in general. Logan was born in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Christmas Day 1941. Her father, Harold Hudson belonged to a large Dunedin family known for their biscuits and other confectionaries. Logan had one brother, Charles. After the war, the family returned to Dunedin, where her father was General Manager at the Harraway’s flourmill at Green Island, recently purchased by the extended Hudson family. However, the family moved to Christchurch for Logan’s high school years. She attended the University of Canterbury, taking zoology, geology and botany. In 1967,



Logan C. Hudson 在被诊断出患有脑癌几个月后在 Paraparaumu 去世。洛根是一位训练有素的专业动物学家、整体博物学家、艺术家和敏锐的旅行者。她的主要兴趣是昆虫学,但她也对艺术、园艺、园艺和一般的自然环境了如指掌。Logan 于 1941 年圣诞节出生在新西兰的基督城。她的父亲 Harold Hudson 属于但尼丁的一个大家族,以饼干和其他糖果而闻名。洛根有一个弟弟查尔斯。战争结束后,全家回到但尼​​丁,她的父亲在那里担任绿岛 Harraway 面粉厂的总经理,该面粉厂最近被扩大的 Hudson 家族收购。然而,为了洛根的高中时代,全家搬到了基督城。她就读于坎特伯雷大学,主修动物学,地质学和植物学。1967 年,