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Surirella dongtingensis sp. nov. and ultrastructure of S. undulata (Bacillariophyta) from China
Botany Letters ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-12 , DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2020.1756908
Bing Liu 1 , J. Patrick Kociolek 2, 3 , Luc Ector 4


The morphological diversity in the genus Surirella is summarized, a new Surirella species is described, and the valve ultrastructure of S. undulata is documented under the scanning electron microscope. The new species, Surirella dongtingensis sp. nov., has a moderately twisted frustule with open valvocopula. Under the light microscope the frustule has one valve that is twisted at one apex, and the second valve is rotated 180 degrees compared to the first, such that one with the left side of one apex is not in the same focal plane with the three other sides, and the second is that the right side of one apex is not in the same focal plane with the three other sides. With respect to the valvocopula, the pars exterior bears oblique striae and scattered warts, and the pars interior have parallel striae and fimbriate ad-valve margins. Internally, both pars exterior and interior are smooth. Two nomenclatural changes for Cymatopleura aquastudia Kociolek & Q.You and C. xinjiangiana Q.You & Kociolek are provided to account for species to align with current concepts of the genus Surirella.


洞庭沙雷氏菌 十一月 锈菌(S. undulata)(芽孢杆菌)的结构和超微结构


总结了弧菌属的形态多样性,描述了弧菌属的一个新种,并在扫描电子显微镜下记录了沙门氏菌的瓣膜超微结构。洞庭沙雷氏菌新种sp。十一月。,有一个适度扭曲的无壳果与开放的瓣膜。在光学显微镜下,平头壳具有一个在一个顶点处扭曲的瓣膜,并且第二个瓣膜与第一个瓣膜相比旋转了180度,因此,一个瓣膜的左侧一个瓣膜与另一个三个瓣膜不在同一焦平面内第二个是一个顶点的右侧与其他三个侧面不在同一焦平面中。关于瓣膜,杆头外部带有斜纹和散在的疣,而杆头内部具有平行的条纹和无瓣膜的瓣缘。在内部,内部和外部的标准杆都是光滑的。两个命名法修改Cymatopleura aquastudia Kociolek&Q.You和C. xinjiangiana提供Q.You和Kociolek来解释与Surirella属的当前概念相吻合的物种
